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1.乐山师范学院 生命科学学院,四川 乐山 614004;2.山东农业大学 植物保护学院,山东 泰安 271018
观察和描述了属模巨齿蛉(Acanthacorydalis asiatica)幼虫反吐液行为,并对其反吐液和肠内液进行了化学成分检测。研究表明,属模巨齿蛉幼虫遇到刺激会产生防御行为,分别是蜷缩、进攻和摆动,在危急时还会从口部吐出黄褐色的恶臭液体刺激敌方从而逃脱。通过一龄幼虫和末龄幼虫消化道观察和模拟肠道运动,发现属模巨齿蛉幼虫反吐液的过程如下,前胃舒张产生的压力,使得贲门瓣打开,将中肠的液体回流到前肠的食道和嗉囊,再通过前胃和食道的收缩将液体回流至咽部,咽背扩肌和两侧的肌肉控制咽部扩张,将肠内液体从口部吐出刺激敌方,最后快速倒退逃避。利用LC-MS法对属模巨齿蛉幼虫口部反吐液和前中肠液代谢产物进行化学成分检测和对比,根据两个样品的峰面积积分值比,筛选口部反吐液和肠道液差异较大的正负离子各前25位代谢物质,发现这些代谢物中有12种为刺激性物质,16种为毒性物质以及3种具有特殊味道的物质,这些物质可以有效地防御天敌。
关键词:  广翅目  属模巨齿蛉  反吐液  行为  化学成分
Regurgitation behavior and chemical composition detection of regurgitant of the larvae of Acanthacorydalis asiatica
LI Long1, WANG Shuying2, BAO Zhensong2, YE Baohua2, CAO Chengquan1
1.College of Life Sciences, Leshan Normal University, Leshan 614004, Sichuan, China;2.College of Plant Protection, Shandong Agriculture University, Tai’an 271018, Shandong, China
The regurgitation behavior of the larvae of Acanthacorydalis asiatica was observed and described, and the chemical components of regurgitant and intestinal fluid were detected. According to the studies, when A. asiatica larvae are stimulated, they are curling up, attacking and swinging. In critical moments, they would spit out a yellow-brown foul-smelling liquid from their mouths to attack enemies and escape. It is found by observing the digestive tract of the first and last instar larvae and simulating the intestinal movement that the regurgitation processes of A. asiatica are as follows: the cardiac valve is opened with the pressure generated from the frontal stomach relaxation, enabling the fluid in the midgut to return to the esophagus and crop of the foregut. Then, the fluid is returned to the pharynx through the contraction of the front stomach and esophagus, the dorsal pharyngeal expander and the muscles on both sides control the pharynx, and the intestinal fluid is spat out from the mouth to stimulate the enemy, finally retreating quickly to escape. The chemical components of the metabolites in the oral regurgitant and foregut and midgut fluid of the A. asiatica larvae were detected using LC-MS method. The top 25 metabolites were screened from the positive and negative ions with big differences in the oral regurgitant and intestinal fluid based on the peak area integral value ratio of the two samples, and it was found that there were 12 stimulating substances, 16 toxic substances and 3 special taste substances among these metabolites. These substances can effectively defend against natural enemies.
Key words:  Megaloptera  Acanthacorydalis asiatica  regurgitant  behavior  chemical composition