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甘肃农业大学 林学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
关键词:  尕海-则岔国家级自然保护区  区系划分  鸟类多样性  群落结构
Wetland bird diversity in Gahai-Zecha National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province
DONG Zhenzhu, MA Weiwei
College of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
Research on avian diversity provides effective strategies and reliable foundations for regional biodiversity conservation. A survey of avian diversity was conducted in Gahai-Zecha National Nature Reserve wefland, Luqu County, Gansu Province, China, from 2020 to 2022. A total of 40 bird species belonging to 12 families and 6 orders were recorded. Among them, 2 species were classified as class I national key protected birds, and 2 species as class Ⅱ national key protected birds. Two species were classified as vulnerable (VU) and 4 species as near threatened (NT) according to the “Red List of China’s Vertebrates”. Based on residency patterns, the surveyed birds were categorized as summer residents (21 species), winter residents (7 species), and migratory birds (12 species). According to the “Zoogeography of China”, the recorded bird species were predominantly of the North Temperate Zone type (11 species) and the Palaearctic type (11 species), while the rest included the Highland type (3 species), the Oriental type (6 species), the Central Asian type (1 species), the Northeastern type (1 species), and unclassifiable types (7 species). The highest Shannon-Wiener diversity was observed in 2022. These findings offer scientific support for avian conservation efforts within the reserve and provide recommendations for maintaining avian diversity.
Key words:  Gahai-Zecha National Nature Reserve  faunal classification  avian diversity  community structure