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甘肃农业大学 林学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
关键词:  自生植物  物种组成  多样性特征  滨河公园  兰州市
Species composition and diversity analysis of autophytes in Lanzhou riverside parks
LÜ Ningning, LIU Wenlan, LIU Xiaojuan
College of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
To investigate and study the species composition and diversity characteristics of autophytes in four riverside parks in Lanzhou, so as to provide a reference for low-cost, low-maintenance and wild natural landscape planning, a total of 344 quadrats were selected from west to east in the main urban section of Lanzhou of the Yellow River to investigate the species composition and distribution characteristics of authigenic plants in the riverside parks. The results showed that: there were 163 species in 118 genera and 44 families, 79 native species (48.46%), 67 alien species (41.10%) and 17 invasive species (10.42%) in the four riverside parks; there were significant differences in α diversity among the four riverside parks (P<0.05); the Shannon-Wiener diversity indices of Yintan Wetland Park, Matan Wetland Park, Marathon Theme Park and Yantan Park were 4.76, 4.36, 4.064 and 3.99, respectively; the Pielou evenness indices were 0.53, 0.586, 0.56 and 0.54, the Patrick richness indices were 30.68, 29.47, 22.80 and 20.27, and the average abundances were 55.43, 44.82, 50.16 and 39.40, respectively. Lanzhou riverside parks are rich in autophytes, and the future construction of urban gardens and green spaces can be reasonably planned, the proportion of autophytes can be increased, and the landscape of autophytes with regional characteristics can be created according to different environments.
Key words:  autophyte  species composition  diversity characteristic  riverside park  Lanzhou City