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1.焦作市自然保护区和野生动植物保护中心,河南 焦作 454000;2.河南城建学院 生命科学与工程学院,河南 平顶山 476036;3.河南省野生动物保护中心,河南 郑州 450000
采用样线法在夏季(2022年6月)、秋季(2022年9月)、冬季(2022年12月)和春季(2023年3月)对黄河湿地焦作段孟州市、温县和武陟县进行水鸟调查,统计水鸟的种类和数量,并运用R软件iNEXT包进行时空多样性分析。4次调查共观测到水鸟4 853只,隶属于9目14科44种。在夏季观测到7目11科17种863只、秋季观测到7目9科19种578只、冬季观测到7目10科24种1 161只,春季观测到7目7科19种2 251只;在孟州市观测到8目13科39种4 236只、温县观测到8目11科26种511只,武陟县观测到6目8科17种106只。时空多样性研究表明黄河湿地焦作段在冬季和孟州市的物种丰富度最高。孟州市生态环境较好且水鸟物种数量和个体数量较多,而温县和武陟县水鸟的优势种和常见种有效数量更多。该研究结果对于黄河流域焦作段的湿地保护具有重要参考价值。
关键词:  黄河焦作段  水鸟  时空多样性  iNEXT  物种丰富度
Spatiotemporal diversity of waterbirds in Jiaozuo section of Yellow River wetland
ZHANG Chunwang1, HU Jianye2, LIU Weibin2, FENG Qianfeng1, ZHANG Hongyuan1, WANG Ying1, DENG Dajun3, HONG Jun2
1.Jiaozuo City nature reserve and wildlife protection center, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China;2.College of Life Sciences and Engineering, Henan University of Urban Construction, Pingdingshan 467036, Henan, China;3.Henan Wildlife Protection Center, Zhengzhou 450000, Henan, China
In order to understand the species composition and spatiotemporal diversity of waterbirds in the Jiaozuo section of the Yellow River wetland, waterbird investigations were conducted in Mengzhou, Wen and Wuzhi Counties of the Jiaozuo section of the Yellow River wetland using the line transect method in summer (June 2022), autumn (September 2022), winter (December 2022) and spring (March 2023) in this study. The species and numbers of waterbirds were counted, and the spatiotemporal diversity was analyzed using the iNEXT package of R software. A total of 4 853 waterbirds were observed in 4 surveys, belonging to 44 species of 9 orders, 14 families. In summer, 863 waterbirds from 17 species, 11 families, and 7 orders were observed; in autumn, 578 waterbirds of 19 species, 9 families and 7 orders were observed; in winter, 1 161 waterbirds of 24 species, 10 families and 7 orders were observed; in spring, 2 251 waterbirds of 19 species, 7 families and 7 orders were observed. In Mengzhou, 4 236 waterbirds of 39 species of 8 orders, 13 families were observed; in Wen County, 511 waterbirds of 26 species of 8 orders, 11 families were observed; in Wuzhi County, 106 waterbirds of 17 species of 6 orders, 8 families were observed. The spatiotemporal diversity study showed that the species richness of the Jiaozuo section of the Yellow River wetland was the highest in winter and in Mengzhou. Mengzhou had a better ecological environment and more waterbird species and individuals, while the effective numbers of dominant species and common species of waterbirds in Wen County and Wuzhi County were higher. The results of this study have important reference value for wetland protection in the Jiaozuo section of the Yellow River basin.
Key words:  Yellow River wetland Jiaozuo section  waterbird  spatiotemporal diversity  iNEXT  species richness