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1.广州草木蕃环境科技有限公司,广东 广州 510520;2.广东连州田心省级自然保护区管理处,广东 清远 513400
关键词:  珍稀濒危植物  濒危系数  优先保护  田心保护区
Preliminary study on resource status and priority conservation of rare and endangered plants in Tianxin Provincial Nature Reserve, Lianzhou, Guangdong Province
LIU Chuang1, LI Chunbo2, HE Huiting1, YUAN Shouqian1, DENG Yuyuan2
1.Guangzhou CAOMUFAN Ecological Research Co.,Ltd, Guangzhou 510520, Guangdong, China;2.Tianxin Provincial Nature Reserve of Guangdong, Qingyuan 513400, Guangdong, China
Mastering the basic situation and threatened status of rare and endangered plants, improving the priority protection evaluation system for rare plants in protected areas, can provide a basis for formulating protection strategies and scientific management in protected areas. Field investigation and data colleation were used to study the rare and endangered plant resources in Tianxin Provincial Nature Reserve. The findings reveal that Tianxin Provincial Nature Reserve of Guangdong has a total of 35 families, 63 genera, and 94 species of rare and endangered species, of which 25 families, 33 genera, and 46 species are national key protected wild plants; 7 families, 10 genera, and 10 species are key protected wild plants of Guangdong Province; 20 families, 25 genera, and 25 species are rare and endangered plants in China Plant Red Data Book. There are 5 families, 23 genera, and 46 species of plants listed in CITES. 41 species of rare and endangered plants were ranked by the priority protection evaluation system. The results show that 2 species belong to level Ⅰ protection, accounting for 4.88%; 22 species belong to level Ⅱ protection, accounting for 53.66%;17species belong to level Ⅲ protection, accounting for 41.46%. The excellent habitats and abundant rare and endangered plants indicate a great conservation value in the nature reserve. The evaluation and classification results of 41 species of plants in this evaluation system more truly reflect their threatened status and priority protection order in the Tianxin Provincial Nature Reserve, which has certain guiding significance for the priority protection of rare and endangered plants in this area.
Key words:  rare and endangered plant  endangered coefficient  priority of conversation  Tianxin Nature Reserve