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西藏大学 生态环境学院/生命科学系高原动物学实验室,西藏 拉萨 850000
土壤纤毛虫是土壤原生动物的一部分,对土壤环境质量动态变化具有重要的指示作用。为了深入了解麦地卡湿地土壤纤毛虫群落特征及其与环境因子的关系,于2019年7月,根据西藏麦地卡湿地地理特征,在3个核心保护区随机选取6个样地,用“梅花五点法”进行采样,共收集30个土样,采用“非淹没培养法”和“活体观察法”进行培养和形态学鉴定。共鉴定到土壤纤毛虫76种,隶属9纲18目33科44属。优势纲为旋毛纲(Sporadotrichia),共计27种,占总物种数的35.5%;核残迹纲(Karyorelictea)最少,仅为1种。C/P系数(0.23)<1,说明麦地卡湿地土壤环境良好。多样性指数在3个核心区间均无显著差异。6个样地Jaccard相似性系数范围为0.07~0.31,属于极不相似和中等不相似之间,说明各样地群落分布差异性较大。Mantel分析和冗余分析(redundancy analysis,RDA)结果显示,含水量是影响土壤纤毛虫群落结构的驱动因子。
关键词:  麦地卡  土壤纤毛虫  多样性  理化因子
Characteristics of soil ciliate community and its influencing factors in three core areas of Mitika Wetland in Xizang
HUANG Qian, LI Mingyan, ZHU Shiying, LI Tianshun, PU Bu
Plateau Zoology Laboratory, Department of Life Sciences, Tibet Universuty, Lhasa 850000, Tibet, China
Soil ciliates, a part of soil protozoa, are important indicators of soil environmental quality. In order to deeply understand the characteristics of soil ciliate community and its relationship with environmental factors in Mitika Wetland, six sample plots were randomly selected from three core conservation areas in July 2019 according to the geographical characteristics of Mitika Wetland in Xizang. A total of 30 soil samples were collected using the “plum blossom five-point method”. Culture and morphological identification were performed by “non-submerged culture method” and “in vivo observation method”. A total of 76 species of soil ciliates were identified, belonging to 9 classes, 18 orders, 33 families and 44 genera. Sporadotrichia was the dominant class, with 27 species, accounting for 35.5% of the total species, while Karyorelictea was the least, with only one species. C/P(0.23)<1, indicating that the soil environment of Mitika wetland is good. The diversity index showed no difference in the three core areas. The Jaccard similarity coefficient of the six plots ranged from 0.07-0.31, which was between very dissimilar and moderately dissimilar, indicating that the distribution of different communities varied greatly. Mantel analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that water content (SWC) was the driving factor affecting the structure of soil ciliate communities.
Key words:  Mitika  soil ciliate  diversity  physicochemical factor