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1.西南林业大学 云南省高校极小种群野生动物保育重点实验室,云南 昆明 650224;2.威远江省级自然保护区管护局,云南 普洱 666400;3.西双版纳傣族自治州亚洲象保护管理中心,云南 西双版纳 666100
于2021年8月-2022年9月进行调查,主要采用不定宽样线法及样点法对云南威远江省级自然保护区鸟类进行调查。在调查范围内,共设置了12条监测样线,基本覆盖保护区内所有生境类型。保护区共记录鸟类209种,隶属17目62科139属。其中,物种组成以雀形目(Passeriformes)为主,共记录137种,占记录鸟类的65.6%。鸟类区系组成以东洋界为主,共有141种,在保护区内占据了最大的比例,为67.46%;留鸟为主,共有167种,占保护区鸟类的79.90%。珍稀濒危及重点保护鸟类有44种,其中,记录国家一级重点保护野生动物1种,冠斑犀鸟(Anthracoceros coronatus)。基于不同季节分析,春季的物种种数(200种)、香农威纳指数(5.02)、辛普森指数(0.99)最大,而夏季的均匀度指数(0.81)最大;林地生境的物种丰富度、香农威纳指数、均匀度指数和辛普森指数在4个季节均显著高于农田和湿地。
关键词:  威远江  鸟类多样性  群落组成  季节性变化  多样性指数
Bird diversity and seasonal change in Weiyuanjiang Provincial Nature Reserve, Yunnan
WANG Yufeng1, LI Xinyu2, WANG Bin3, XIONG Chaoyong3, YANG Xiaojun1
1.Key Laboratory of Conservation of Endangered Wildlife in Small Populations at Universities in Yunnan Province, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;2.Management and Protection Bureau of Weiyuan River Provincial Nature Reserve, Puer 666400, Yunnan, China;3.Asian Elephant Conservation and Management Center of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Xishuangbanna 666100, Yunnan, China
This bird survey was conducted in the Weiyuanjiang Provincial Nature Reserve in Yunnan from August 2021 to September 2022, mainly using the transect method and point count method. A total of 12 monitoring transects were established, covering all habitat types within the reserve. In total, 209 bird species were recorded, belonging to 17 orders, 62 families, and 139 genera. The most dominant order was Passeriformes, with 137 species recorded, accounting for 65.6% of the total bird species. The bird fauna was mainly composed of the Oriental Realm, with a total of 141 species, accounting for the largest proportion within the reserve, at 67.46%. Resident birds were the most prevalent group, comprising 167 species and accounting for 79.90% of the bird species in the reserve. The survey also recorded 44 species of rare, endangered, and key protected birds, including Anthracoceros coronatus, a national first class key protected wildlife. Based on seasonal analysis, spring had the highest number of species (200 species), Shannon-Weiner index (5.02), and Simpson index (0.99), while summer had the highest evenness index (0.81). The species richness, Shannon-Weiner index, evenness index and Simpson index of forest habitats were significantly higher than those of farmland and wetlands in all four seasons.
Key words:  Weiyuan River, bird diversity  community composition  seasonal change  diversity index