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1.兰州大学 生命科学学院,甘肃 兰州 730000;2.兰州大学 生态学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
植物内生真菌对植物的生长发育及抗逆性具有重要作用。青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)是中国特有植物,也是祁连山的主要建群树种,而对其叶内生真菌的研究较少。本研究采用组织分离培养法,对青海云杉叶内生真菌进行分离培养,描述菌落形态特征,并结合rDNA ITS序列分析的方法,对分离的真菌进行鉴定。结果表明,从青海云杉叶分离获得32株真菌,隶属于1门4纲6目11科12属12种,均属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota)。其中,卡氏圆酵母(Torula camporesii)菌株数量最多,占分离菌株总数的18.75%,其次是澳大利亚小光壳(Leptosphaerulina australis),占15.63%。有14株菌是植物病原菌,其中有2株均为青海云杉枝枯病的病原菌——云杉壳囊孢(Cytospora piceae)。揭示了青海云杉可培养叶内生真菌的种类组成,获得了具有潜在研究价值的菌种资源,其研究结果是祁连山青海云杉相关研究的重要补充,为进一步研究青海云杉内生真菌潜在的生态与应用价值提供一定的理论依据。
关键词:  祁连山  青海云杉  叶内生真菌  分离  鉴定
Isolation and identification of foliar endophytic fungi of Picea crassifolia in the Qilian Mountains
YANG Zhaoliman1, FAN Bicheng1, ZHANG Qi1, LIU Yongjun2, PAN Jianbin1, FENG Huyuan1
1.School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China;2.College of Ecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
Endophytic fungi play important roles in plant growth, development, and stress resistance. Picea crassifolia, an endemic plant with great ecological value in China, serves as the primary tree species in the Qilian Mountains of China. However, there has been limited research on its foliar endophytic fungi. In this study, the culturable foliar endophytic fungi of P. crassifolia were isolated using tissue separation methods. Subsequently, these endophytic fungi were identified based on the morphological characteristics of their colonies and the rDNA ITS sequence analysis. The results showed that 32 fungal strains were isolated from the needles of P. crassifolia, belonging to 12 species, 12 genera, 11 families, 6 orders, 4 classes of 1 phylum (Ascomycota). Among them, Torula camporesii had the highest isolation frequency (18.75%), followed by Leptosphaerulina australis (15.63%). Among 32 fungal strains, 14 were identified as pathogens of various plants, including 2 strains of Cytospora piceae, which are pathogens of P. crassifolia twig blight. This study revealed the composition of culturable foliar endophytic fungi of P. crassifolia and obtained fungal resources with potential research value. The research findings serve as a significant supplement to related studies on P. crassifolia in the Qilian Mountains, providing a theoretical foundation for further research on the potential ecological and application value of endophytic fungi of P. crassifolia.
Key words:  Qilian Mountains  Picea crassifolia  foliar endophytic fungi  isolation  identification