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1.三门县水产技术推广站,浙江 三门 317100;2.中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所 农业农村部渔业遥感重点实验室, 上海 200090;3.三门县农业农村局,浙江 三门 317100;4.台州市水产技术推广总站,浙江 台州 318000;5.浙江省水利河口研究院,浙江 杭州 310017
本研究通过监测浙江健跳港牡蛎礁海域的牡蛎幼体补充量,并开展田间实验,比较了两种底物(牡蛎壳、岩石)的牡蛎附着效果,从而确定合理的牡蛎礁修复方式,推荐适宜的建礁材料。结果显示:牡蛎自然补充群体中共有4种牡蛎,即近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)、熊本牡蛎(C. sikamea)、福建牡蛎(C. angulate)和猫爪牡蛎(Talonostrea talonata),补充量中以熊本牡蛎占绝对优势,相对丰度达95%以上。牡蛎补充量介于0~44 200 个/m2,月平均补充量为(7 165±1 246) 个/m2。附着底物筛选实验结果表明潮区(P<0.001)和底物类型(P=0.004)均显著影响牡蛎补充量,两因子之间存在显著的互作效应(F1,16=8.214,P=0.011)。4个实验组间附着牡蛎密度的排序为:高礁区岩石>高礁区牡蛎壳>低礁区岩石=低礁区牡蛎壳(P<0.05);相对于牡蛎壳,岩石是更为适宜的牡蛎附着底物。本研究得出浙江健跳港牡蛎礁为底物受限型,可在退化礁区投放岩石修复牡蛎礁。
关键词:  牡蛎礁  密度  修复  幼虫  壳高
Larval recruitment and substrate selection for restoration of oyster reef in Jiantiao Bay, Zhejiang Province
LIU Qi1, JIANG Weihang2, CHEN Lizhi1, YE Chunyu3, CHENG Yanxiong4, HAN Yu5, ZENG Jian5, ZHANG Wenkao2, FAN Ruiliang2, LI Nannan2, OUYANG Longling2, CHEN Yuange2, QUAN Weiming2
1.Extension Station for Aquaculture Technique, Sanmen 317100, Zhejiang, China;2.Key Laboratory of Fisheries Remote Sensing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China;3.Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Sanmen 317100, Zhejiang, China;4.Taizhou Extension Station of Fisheries Technology, Taizhou 318000, Zhejiang, China;5.Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics & Estuary, Hangzhou 310017, Zhejiang, China
This study investigated the oyster recruitments at natural oyster reef in Jiantiao Bay of Zhejiang Province, and compared two kinds of substrates (oyster shell and natural rock) by field experiments. The results showed that four oyster species were found among the newly settled oysters, namely Crassostrea arakensisC. sikameaC. angulata and Talonostrea talonata, and dominated by C. sikamea, with a relative abundance over 95%. The total oyster recruits ranged from 0 to 44 200 per m2, with a monthly average of 7 165±1 246 per m2. The substrate selection experiment indicated that both tidal zone (P<0.001) and substrate type (P=0.004) significantly affected oyster recruitment, and there was also a significant interaction effect between the two factors (F1,16=8.214, P=0.011). The density order of oyster recruitment among the four experimental groups was rock at high reef zone > oyster shell at high reef zone> rock at low reef zone = oyster shell at low reef zone (P<0.05). Compared to oyster shells, rocks were more suitable substrate for attachment. This study concludes that the oyster reef in Jiantiao Bay is a substrate-limited type, and rocks can be placed in the degraded reef areas to restore oyster reefs.
Key words:  oyster reef  density  restoration  larva  shell height