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1.厦门医学院 药学系,福建 厦门 361023;2.厦门医学院 海洋生物医药资源福建省高校工程研究中心,福建 厦门 361023;3.福建漳江口红树林国家级管理局自然保护区,福建 漳州 363305;4.福建师范大学 生命科学学院,福建 福州 350108
关键词:  红树林真菌  真菌多样性  可培养真菌
Diversity of culturable fungi from mangrove sediments in Zhangjiang river estuary
XU Li1,2, YUAN Shijie2, CHEN Dan1,2, ZHANG Gang1,2, QIN Fei1, ZHU Shanshan1, HUANG Guanmin3, ZHENG Yongbiao4, LUO Lianzhong1,2
1.Department of Pharmacy, Xiamen Medical College, Xiamen 361023, Fujian, China;2.Engineering Research Center of Marine Biopharmaceutical Resource, Fujian Province University, Xiamen Medical College, Xiamen 361023, Fujian, China;3.Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve in Fujian Province, Zhangzhou 363305, Fujian, China;4.Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian, China
Mangrove fungi have attracted widespread attention due to their unique ecological characteristics, diversity and abundant new bioactive metabolites. Mangrove sediments of four sampling sites were collected from the Reserve of Zhangjiang Estuary. Culturable fungi were isolated by 8 kinds of screening media (RBM, PDA, CDA, Martin, YM, SDA, ISP2 and R2A), and identified through DNA sequence analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA gene region, then the differences of fungal community in sampling sites were evaluated by diversity index analysis. The results showed that 274 isolates were isolated from four sampling sites, and they belonged to 2 phyla, 12 classes, 23 orders, 39 families and 52 genera. The dominant genera were Acremonium (20.8%) and Penicillium (11.3%), followed by Cladosporium (7.3%) and Sarocladium (7.3%). RBM was the medium with the most fungal types isolated, followed by PDA. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H′), Simpson dominance index (D),Magalef richness index (R) and Pielou evenness index (J) show that at the genus level, the abundance of culturable fungi in sampling points near the sea is significantly higher than that near the land.
Key words:  mangrove fungus  fungal diversity  culturable fungus