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保山学院高黎贡山研究院,云南省高校滇西昆虫资源保护与利用重点实验室,云南 保山 678000
为明确云南保山地区广泛分布和普遍食用的凹纹胡蜂(Vespa velutina auraria Smith)和金环胡蜂(Vespa mandarinia Smith)的营养成分及差异,以野外采集的两种胡蜂为材料,采用常压直接干燥法、高温灼烧法、分光光度法等方法测定了凹纹胡蜂幼虫、预蛹和初蛹3个食用虫态及金环胡蜂初蛹虫态的水分、灰分、粗蛋白、氨基酸和总糖等营养成分含量,并对其进行分析和评价。结果表明,凹纹胡蜂幼虫、预蛹和初蛹3个虫态的水分含量分别为67.44%~75.71%、72.76%~73.28%、73.06%~74.20%;灰分含量分别为2.93%~3.77%、1.09%~2.38%、1.06%~2.57%;蛋白质含量分别为15.833%~17.326%、17.918%~18.471%、18.509%~19.529%;总糖含量分别为22.34%~25.44%、19.56%~21.19%、12.89%~19.43%;各食用虫态的营养成分含量与样品采样地和虫态关系密切,不同采样地的同一食用虫态或同一采样地的不同食用虫态的营养成分含量均具有显著差异。金环胡蜂初蛹的水分、灰分、蛋白质和总糖含量分别为75.47%、1.65%、23.269%和13.71%,其中水分和蛋白质含量高于同虫态凹纹胡蜂的含量。氨基酸分析结果表明,龙陵碧寨乡凹纹胡蜂3个食用虫态含16种氨基酸,必需氨基酸种类齐全,含量充足;E/N的比值依次为0.32、0.40和0.47,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸含量(E%)分别为24.19%、28.57%和31.99%,E%/T必需氨基酸(g)/总氮(g)(T=15)值分别为1.61、1.91和2.13。总体上,凹纹胡蜂3个虫态中以初蛹的蛋白质含量最高,水分含量适中,总糖含量和灰分含量最低,必需氨基酸种类齐全且含量充足,是最理想的食用虫态。金环胡蜂个体较大,营养价值较高,具有很高的食用价值。
关键词:  凹纹胡蜂  金环胡蜂  食用虫态  营养成分  氨基酸含量
Nutritional component analysis and evaluation of the edible stages of two Vespa species from Baoshan area, Yunnan Province
AI Wei, YIN Hailiao, CHEN Haiyan, CHEN Zihong, LIU Anbo, LIU Qing
Research Institute of Gaoligong Mountains, Baoshan University, Key Laboratory of Conservation and Utilization of Insect Resources in Western Yunnan, Baoshan 678000, Yunnan, China
In order to understand the nutritional components and differences of Vespa velutina auraria Smith and Vespa mandarinia Smith, which are widely distributed and commonly consumed in Baoshan area, the nutritional components including contents of water, ash, crude protein, amino acid and total sugar in three edible stages of V. velutina auraria and the early pupae of V. mandarinia collected in field were analyzed and evaluated by direct drying under normal pressure, high temperature burning and spectrophotometry methods. The results showed that the water contents of larvae, prepupae and early pupae of V. velutina auraria were 67.44%-75.71%, 72.76%-73.28% and 73.06%-74.20%, ash contents were 2.93%-3.77%, 1.09%-2.38% and 1.06%-2.57%, protein contents were 15.833%-17.326%, 17.918%-18.471% and 18.509%-19.529%, the total sugar contents were 22.34%-25.44%, 19.56%-21.19% and 12.89%-19.43%, respectively. There was a close relationship between the nutrient contents, sampling sites and the insect edible stages. The nutrient contents of the same edible stages in different sampling site or different edible stage from the same sampling site were different. The nutritional contents of water, ash, protein and total sugar of V. mandarinia in the early pupae were 75.47%, 1.65%, 23.269% and 13.71%, respectively, and the contents of water and protein were higher than those of V. velutina auraria at the same stage. The results of amino acid analysis showed that there were 16 essential amino acids in 3 edible stages of V. velutina auraria from Bizhai Town, Longling County. The ratios of E/N were 0.32, 0.4 and 0.47, the ratios of essential amino acids to total amino acids (E %) were 24.19 %, 28.57 % and 31.99 %, and the ratios of essential amino acids (g) to total nitrogen (g) (T=15) were 1.61, 1.91 and 2.13, respectively. In general, the early pupae of V. velutina auraria have the highest protein content, moderate water content, the lowest total sugar content and ash content, as well as a complete and sufficient variety of essential amino acids, making them the most ideal edible stage. The V. mandarinia is larger and has high nutritional value, and high edible value.
Key words:  Vespa velutina auraria Smith  Vespa mandarinia Smith  edible stage  nutritional ingredient  amino acid content