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1.三峡大学 三峡区域植物遗传与种质创新重点实验室/生物技术研究中心,湖北 宜昌 443000;2.安阳工学院,河南 安阳 455000
磷脂酶D(PLD)是植物生长和胁迫反应过程中参与膜磷脂分解代谢的关键酶。PLD编码基因在高等植物中构成了一个大的基因家族,但是仍未对高粱PLD基因家族进行深入研究。本研究中,通过全基因组分析,鉴定了15个PLD基因,并分成6个亚组,初步揭示了SbPLDs的基因结构、保守结构域、染色体定位和系统发育关系等信息。基因复制的研究表明,片段复制在高粱PLD基因家族的扩展中发挥了重要作用,SbPLDs在进化过程中经历了强烈的纯化选择。此外,转录组数据表明,受启动子区上游顺式元件调控的PLD家族基因可能在高粱的生长发育中发挥重要作用。通过real-time PCR分析,显示部分SbPLDs参与非生物胁迫和激素途径的潜力。亚细胞定位表明,高粱PLD蛋白在细胞质中富集,可能具有抗逆胁迫的功能。本研究为了解高粱PLD基因的特征提供了理论参考,为研究高粱PLD基因家族的进化提供了新的视角,也为阐明高粱PLD基因家族的功能提供了基础信息。
关键词:  高粱  磷脂酶D  基因复制  非生物胁迫  亚细胞定位
Identification and expression analysis of phospholipase D gene family in Sorghum bicolor
ZHANG Zheng1, LÜ Yang1, HAN Shaopeng1, LI Sen1, LUO Xiaotian1, LIU Limin1, ZENG Gongjian1, GAO Xinqiang2, HU Yongfeng1, SHEN Xiangling1
1.Key Laboratory of Three Gorges Regional Plant Genetics & Germplasm Enhancement/Biotechnology Research Center, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443000, Hubei, China;2.Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang 455000, Henan, China
Phospholipase D(PLD)is a key enzyme involved in membrane phospholipid catabolism during plant growth and stress response. PLD encoding genes constitute a large gene family in higher plants. However, PLD gene family has not been studied in Sorghum bicolor. Through genome-wide analysis, a total of 15 PLD genes were identified and divided into six subgroups. The information of gene structure, conserved domains, chromosome location and phylogenetic relationship of SbPLDs were preliminarily revealed. Gene duplication showed that segmental duplications play a significant role in expansion of PLD gene family in sorghum, and SbPLDs have experienced purifying selection during the evolution process. Furthermore, transcriptome data demonstrated that PLD family genes, regulated by the upstream cis-elements in promoter areas, may play important roles in growth and development of sorghum. By real-time PCR, some SbPLDs show the potential in participating abiotic stress and hormone pathways. Subcellular localization indicated that SbPLDs in cytoplasm may have biological functions in stress resistance. This study provides a theoretical reference for understanding the characteristics of PLD genes in sorghum, and new insights into the evolution and basic information that will assist in elucidating the functions of PLD gene family in sorghum.
Key words:  Sorghum bicolor  phospholipase D  gene duplication  abiotic stress  subcellular localization