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1.上海植物园科研中心,上海 200231;2.上海世博文化公园,上海 200125;3.中国科学院昆明植物研究所 东亚生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室,云南 昆明 650201
莎禾〔Coleanthus subtilis (Tratt.) Seidel ex Roem. & Schult.〕为禾本科(Poaceae)短命植物,间断式分布于欧亚和北美寒温带。在中国,该物种最早于1921年在江西姑塘被发现,当时被推测为“外来物种”。本文梳理了莎禾的发表文献,考证了其在中国的采集史,报道了莎禾在中国的5个新分布点,基于GBIF网站数据和CVH国内标本记录,绘制了莎禾的世界分布图,并根据新采集记录,修订了莎禾在中国的花果期记录。依据各地理分布信息及莎禾对生境的特殊要求,本文认为1921年在江西姑塘发现的莎禾实为本土原生物种,并且江西的该处分布点是该物种分布的南缘。根据莎禾居群及生存状况,本文对其在中国的濒危状况进行了评估,并建议对江西与黑龙江之间的中间地带加强调查。
关键词:  莎禾  新分布  花果期  生物地理
The distribution of Coleanthus subtilis (Poaceae) in China and its biogeography
LIU Yanchun1, WANG Yuan2, PENG Hua3
1.Research Center, Shanghai Botanical Garden, Shanghai 200231, China;2.Shanghai EXPO Culture Park, Shanghai 200125, China;3.Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, Yunnan, China
Coleanthus subtilis is an ephemeral grass in Poaceae, with a wide but disjunctive distribution range within the Northern Eurasia and Northern America. An exceptional case was the discovery of this species in Gutang, Jiangxi Province of China in 1921, and it was presumed to be an alien species. In this paper, collecting history of C. subtilis in China is sorted, five new distribution sites of C. subtilis in China are reported, and a world distribution map of C. subtilis is officially illustrated based on the world distribution data on GBIF and specimen records in China from CVH. According to the newly collected information, the record of the flowering and fruiting period of C. subtilis in China has been revised. Combining all the information, this paper proves that the C. subtilis collected in 1921 at Gutang is a native species. The conservation status of this species is also evaluated here, calling for further investigation among the intermediate zone between Jiangxi and Heilongjiang.
Key words:  Coleanthus subtilis  new distribution  flowering and fruiting period  biogeography