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湖北医药学院附属随州医院 检验科,湖北 随州 441300
关键词:  蚕豆病  G6PD突变  酶活性  X染色体失活偏移
Detection of G6PD gene mutation and skewed X chromosome inactivation in a genetic family with favism
SHI Mengjie, SU Yinfan, XIE Mingshui, HUANG Hongyao
Department of Laboratory, Suizhou Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Suizhou 441300, Hubei, China
To analyze the mutation of the G6PD gene in a genetic family with favism, and detect the change of G6PD enzyme activity and the skewed X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) mode of the proband family, to predict the risk of favism in females carriers with G6PD mutation, peripheral blood samples of family members were collected and genomic DNA was extracted. PCR and DNA sequencing methods were used for sequence analysis to determine the mutation sites and mutation types of probands and the genetic status of family members. If the mother and sister were heterozygotes of G6PD mutation, skewed X-chromosome inactivation detection and enzyme activity analysis were performed for them to assess the risk of favism in the carriers, and the study subjects were followed up. As a result, the point mutation of G6PD gene on patient X chromosome c.1376G>T; the results of enzyme activity test showed that the mutation reduced the activity of G6PD by about 25%, leading to the occurrence of favism. The X chromosome inactivation deviation of the two female carriers in this family is less than 80%, so the possibility of favism in the future is low.
Key words:  favism  G6PD mutation  enzymatic activity  skewed X-chromosome inactivation