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1.华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司,云南 昆明 650206;2.生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局 生态环境监测与科学研究中心,湖北 武汉 430010
景洪水库是澜沧江下游的重要梯级开发水库,具有重要的生态战略地位。为评估景洪水库水质和浮游植物群落结构现状,本研究根据库区水位和季节变化在2021年3月、6月、9月开展了库区水质和浮游植物监测。结果表明:景洪水库各监测点位水质较好,满足《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅱ类水质标准,富营养化评价结果为贫营养至中营养,但水质和营养状态从3月至9月呈现逐渐下降的趋势; 3月至9月浮游植物密度增加、多样性降低,随着季节变化浮游植物优势种发生明显改变,3月份优势种为隐藻门(Cryptophyta)和硅藻门(Bacillariophyta),到9月份库区演变为蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)为主。RDA分析表明总有机碳和透明度与浮游植物群落结构变化显著相关。建议后期需加强景洪水库水生态环境监测与评估,预防水体富营养化和蓝藻水华的发生。
关键词:  景洪水库  水质  浮游植物
Variation of phytoplankton community structure in Jinghong Reservoir and its relationship with water quality
YANG Yandong1, TAN Qingjun1, WANG Yingcai2, LIU Jinxi1, XIONG Heyong1, HU Qiwei1, LEI Qi2, LI Tiancui2
1.Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Co., LTD., Kunming 650206, Yunnan, China;2.Ecology and Environment Monitoring and Scientific Research Center,Yangtze Basin Ecology and Environment Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Wuhan 430010, Hubei, China
Jinghong Reservoir is an important cascade development reservoir in the lower reaches of the Lancang River, which takes up a key ecological strategic position. In order to evaluate the water quality and phytoplankton community structure of Jinghong Reservoir, this study conducted water quality and phytoplankton monitoring in March, June and September of 2021 according to the water level and seasonal changes. The results show that the water quality of Jinghong Reservoir was good, which can meet the requirements of class Ⅱ water quality, and the trophic status was oligotrophic or mesotrophic, but there was a trend of gradual deterioration from March to September. The cell density of phytoplankton increased and the phytoplankton diversity decreased from March to September. The main dominant species of phytoplankton were Cryptophyta and Bacillariophyta in March and Cyanophyta in September. RDA analysis shows that total organic carbon (TOC) and transparency (SD) significantly affected phytoplankton community structure. It is suggested to enhance the monitoring and assessment of the aquatic ecological environment of Jinghong Reservoir to prevent eutrophication and cyanobacteria bloom.
Key words:  Jinghong Reservoir  water quality  phytoplankton