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1.江苏科技大学 生物技术学院,江苏 镇江 212018;2.江苏科技大学 环境与化学工程学院,江苏 镇江 212018
以家蚕丝素蛋白为原料,基于丝素自组装理论,通过酶解-干燥-溶解法制备不同尺寸的丝素蛋白微球,制备出的微球具有良好的水不溶性和稳定的分散性。对微球的形貌和结构表征结果表明,用该方法制备的丝素蛋白微球为纳米微球,当酶的添加量为2%且蛋白自组装时间为4 h时,丝素蛋白微球的平均粒径最小,仅为(32±11) nm。红外光谱(FT-IR)和X射线衍射(XRD)结果显示,微球中β-折叠结构的多少决定了微球晶体的大小,β-折叠越多,微球中晶体的体积越大。通过调控丝素蛋白自组装过程,可以制备平均粒径在30~140 nm之间的纳米丝素蛋白微球,且不引入任何有机溶剂和无机溶剂,制备过程绿色环保,制备出的丝素蛋白微球安全无毒。
关键词:  丝素蛋白  纳米微球  自组装  酶解
Preparation and properties of nano-scale silk fibroin microspheres
LI Ying1, MA Qiang2, GUO Jianjun1, DENG Gang1, LIU Xiuyun1, ZHAO Na1, WU Guohua1
1.College of Biotechnology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212018, Jiangsu, China;2.School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212018, Jiangsu, China
Bombyx mori silk fibroin of silk fibroin was used as raw material, and based on the theory of silk fibroin self-assembly, silk fibroin microspheres of different sizes were prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis-drying-dissolution method, and the prepared microspheres had good water insolubility and stable dispersion. The morphology and structure of the microspheres were characterized, and the results showed that the silk fibroin microspheres prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis belong to nano-microspheres. When the amount of enzyme was 2% and the time of protein self-assembly was 4h, the average particle size of silk fibroin microspheres was the smallest, only (32±11) nm. Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that the number of β-sheet structures in the microspheres determines the size of the microsphere crystals. The more β-sheets, the larger the volume of the crystals in the microspheres. By regulating the self-assembly process of silk fibroin protein, nano-silk fibroin protein microspheres with average particle size of 30~140 nm can be prepared without any organic and inorganic solvents or complex instruments. The preparation process is green and environmental friendly, and the prepared silk fibroin protein microspheres are safe and non-toxic.
Key words:  silk fibroin  nanosphere  self-assembly  enzymatic hydrolysis