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西藏大学理学院 高山植物学实验室,西藏 拉萨 850000
关键词:  年楚河  区系地理  R/T值  Sorensen系数
Composition and floristic characteristics of seed plants in the Nianchu River Basin, Tibet
WEN Xiaodi, CHEN Jingjing, Phurbu Tsering, Dawa Zhuoma, Basang Phuntsok, Lhaduo
Alpine Botany Laboratory, School of Science, Tibet University, Lhasa 850000, Tibet, China
The composition, floristic characteristics and resource types of seed plants in the Nianchu River Basin were analyzed through field investigation and literature analysis. A total of 339 species of seed plants belonging to 179 genera and 58 families have been recorded in the Nianchu River Basin. Perennial herbs are the dominant life forms, and the medicinal plants are the main resource type of seed plants in the study area. In terms of the number of species within the family, large families are dominant families including Asteraceae, Poaceae and Fabaceae. However, the large, larger and small families are the main components of plant families in terms of the number of genera within the family. In addition to the world-wide type, the distribution area of the family is dominated by temperate character followed by tropical character. The composition of the genus is dominated by single-species genera and small genera, and its distribution area type shows an obvious temperate character with low number of endemic families and genera. The comparison of R/T value between the flora in the study area and in neighboring areas shows that the character of the flora in the study area is close to that of the Lhasa River Basin and Peikucuo area. The flora in the study area is more closely related to the Lhasa River Basin.
Key words:  Nianchu River  floristic geography  R/T value  Sorensen coefficient