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1.北京市西山试验林场,北京 100093;2.北京丹青园林绿化有限责任公司,北京 100093;3.北京林业大学 生态与自然保护学院,北京 100083
关键词:  大型真菌  多样性  森林生态系统经营
Species diversity of macrofungi in Xiaoxishan moutain of Beijing
JIN Yingshan1, ZHOU Xiaodong1, MA Runguo2, WANG Qingchun3, LI Hui3, REN Yunmao1
1.Beijing Xishan Experimental Forest Farm, Beijing 100093, China;2.Beijing Danqing Landscaping Co. , Ltd, Beijing 100093, China;3.School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
In order to clarify the situation of macrofungi resources and provide a basis for forest ecosystem management in Xiaoxishan mountain of Beijing, species diversity was analyzed based on field investigation and literature search. 148 species of macrofungi, belonging to 2 phyla, 5 classes, 10 orders, 33 families, 65 genera, were recorded. There are 6 dominant families of macrofungi of Tricholomataceae, Agaricaceae, Polyporaceae, Psathyrellaceae, Russulaceae and Boletaceae, including 99 species, accounting for about 36.5% of the total species. The ecological habits of these macrofungi include lignicolous type, earthborn type, and symbiotic type, and the first two types have more species than the third type. The floristic distribution is dominated by the world widespread genera and temperate distribution genera, with very few other components. The distribution characteristics of macrofungi are closely related to the typical forest types which represented by Quercus, Pinus tabulaeformis and altitudes. The research results suggest that the biodiversity investigation, protection and utilization of macrofungi should be combined with forest management, guided by the concept of forest ecosystem management, and quantitative research is carried out on the relationship between forest types, site conditions, human disturbance characteristics and macrofungi, which provides a valuable data basis and research ideas for the sustainable management of forests.
Key words:  macrofungus  diversity  forest ecosystem management