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1.西藏大学 理学院,西藏 拉萨 850000;2.西藏自治区布达拉宫管理处, 西藏 拉萨 850000
为了解西藏布达拉宫古建筑内节肢动物群落特征及时空分布,为古建筑室内生物多样性资源提供基础数据,同时为布达拉宫的修缮及防虫工作提供科学依据,结合布达拉宫2015年5月至7月防虫工作的开展,在布达拉宫古建筑室内设置5个样点,对室内节肢动物群落特征和时空变化进行了初步研究。采用杀虫剂击倒法和手捡法共捕获室内节肢动物1 124只,隶属于2纲7目12科17种(类)。其中,优势种有3种,分别为拉萨索砚甲(Solskia lhasana Ren et Yu.)、棕蛛甲(Ptinus clavipes)和藏显缘短跗窃蠹(Ernobius sp.)。随时间变化,布达拉宫节肢动物物种数(S)、群落多样性指数(H)及均匀性指数(E)在5月至7月总体呈上升趋势。随空间变化,列康顶库房和扎厦三层节肢动物丰富度最大,德阳厦地垄丰富度最小。藏显缘短跗窃蠹在五个样点均有分布,是布达拉宫木材的主要害虫。
关键词:  布达拉宫  节肢动物  群落特征  时空变化
Characteristics and its variation of arthropod community in Potala Palace, Tibet
WANG Zhuangzhuang1, HE Zuqiang1, HU Jingkuo1, Lhaduo1, Yuta2, Tashi Qiongjue2
1.Ojie Tsering2, Phurbu1 *;2.Department of Life Sciences, Tibet University, Lhasa 850000, Tibet, China
In order to understand the characteristics and spatiotemporal distribution of arthropod community in the ancient buildings of the Potala Palace in Tibet, to provide the basic data for the biodiversity resources of the ancient buildings, and to provide scientific basis for the repair and pest control of the Potala Palace, combined with the pest control work in the Potala Palace from May to July in 2015, 5 sample sites were set up, and the characteristics and spatiotemporal changes of indoor arthropod community were preliminarily studied. A total of 1 124 indoor arthropods were captured by insecticide knockdown method and hand-picking method, belonging to 17 species (groups) in 2 classes, 7 orders and 12 families. Among them, three dominant species were Solskia lhasana Ren et Yu., Ptinus clavipes, and Ernobius sp. respectively. The number of arthropod species (S), community diversity index (H) and evenness index (E) increased with time from May to July in the Potala Palace. The abundance of arthropods was the highest in the storehouse of Liekangding and Zhaxia, and the lowest in the alley of Deyangxia. Ernobius sp. was distributed in all the five sites and it is the main pest of the Potala Palace.
Key words:  Potala Palace  arthropod  community characteristic  spatiotemporal variation