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河北省沧州中西医结合医院,河北,沧州 061001
健脾益肺膏是基于中医“五脏相关学说”,结合几十年治疗各种慢性肺病的临床经验总结制作而成的中药制剂。其主要功效药材为黄芪,其他的药材为辅药,起到增强黄芪药效的作用。本文使用各种柱色谱将该药配方中主要成分进行了系统的分离,确定了主要成分的结构。从中分离得到5个主要化合物,通过NMR数据比对,确定了其结构分别为为黄芪甲苷(化合物1)、毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖苷(化合物2)、β-谷甾醇(化合物3)、果糖(化合物4)和葡萄糖(化合物5);首次测定了其中黄芪甲苷和毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖苷的含量,分别为0.014%和0.008 3%。为后续健脾益肺膏的配方改进及剂型优化提供参考依据。
关键词:  健脾益肺膏  黄芪甲苷  毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖苷
Separation, identification and determination of main components in Jianpiyifei ointment
DONG Jingjing1, ZHANG Junyan1, ZHANG Qian1, JIN Yinghui1, ZHANG Tengfei1, LI Baofen1
Cangzhou Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, Cangzhou 061001, Hebei, China
The Jianpiyifei ointment is based on the clinical experience of treating various chronic lung diseases in several decades, which is based on the “five viscera related theory” of traditional Chinese medicine. In the formula of Jianpiyifei ointment, Astragalus membranaceus is the monarch medicine and other herbs are the auxiliary medicine, which can enhance the effect of Astragalus membranaceus. In this paper, the main components in the formula were separated systematically by various column chromatography,and the structure of the main components was determined by compared with their NMR. The structures of the five main compounds were determined to be astragaloside Ⅳ (compound 1),calycosin glucoside (compound 2), β-sitosterol (compound 3), fructose (compound 4) and glucose (compound 5).And the content of astragaloside Ⅳ and calycosin glucoside in Jianpiyifei ointment were determined for the first time with ultraviolet spectrophotometry. The quality percentage content of two effective components (1) (2) in Jianpiyifei ointment were 0.014% and 0.008 3% respectively, which provides reference for the following formula improvement and dosage form optimization of Jianpiyifei ointment.
Key words:  Jianpiyifei ointment  astragaloside Ⅳ  calycosin glucoside