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甘肃农业大学植物保护学院,甘肃省农作物病虫害生物防治工程实验室,甘肃 兰州 730070
为明确不同温度对大蜡螟(Galleria mellonella L.)生长发育和繁殖的影响,在24 ℃、28 ℃和31 ℃三个温度条件下,采用人工饲料饲养观察了大蜡螟的生长发育和繁殖状况。结果表明,温度对大蜡螟发育历期、生长发育速率以及繁殖具有显著影响(P<0.05)。在24~31 ℃范围内,随着温度升高,各虫态发育历期缩短,幼虫体长增长加快,发育速率加快。在24 ℃下世代历期最长(47.96 d),31 ℃下世代历期最短(33.68 d)。在同一温度下,雄蛾的寿命明显较雌蛾的寿命长,但成虫寿命、产卵前期和产卵期均随着温度升高而缩短。在24 ℃下产卵量最高为2 781.50粒/雌,而在31℃下产卵量最低为1 943.17粒/雌。
关键词:  大蜡螟  温度  生长发育  繁殖力
Influence of temperature on the development and reproduction of Galleria mellonella L.
ZHANG Tingwei1, ZHANG Dongpeng1, QI Fumiao1, HU Qidi1, ZHANG Yuxia1, SHI Li1, LIU Changzhong1
Biocontrol Engineering Laboratory of Crop Diseases and Pests of Gansu Province, College of Plant Protection,Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
In order to determine the effect of different temperature on the development and reproduction of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella L., the development and reproduction were observed by feeding on artificial feed at 24 ℃, 28 ℃ and 31 ℃.The results showed that the temperature had a significant effect on the developmental duration, growth rate and reproduction of the greater wax moth (P<0.05). In the range of 24-31 ℃, the developmental duration of each developmental stage was shortened with the increase of temperature, and the larval body length and growth rate were accelerated. The generation duration was the longest (47.96d) at 24 ℃ and the shortest (33.68d) at 31 ℃. At the same temperature, the male longevity was significantly longer than female longevity, but the adult longevity, preoviposition period and oviposition period were shortened with the increase of temperature.The highest fecundity at 24 ℃ was 2 781.50 eggs/female, while the lowest fecundity at 31 ℃ was 1 943.17 eggs/female.
Key words:  Galleria mellonella L.  temperature  development  fecundity