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云南中医药大学中药学院,云南 昆明 650500
关键词:  传统医药  缅甸  “一带一路”  合作研发  前景
A brief analysis on the prospect of Chinese and Myanmar traditional medicines under the Belt and Road Initiative
YANG Xingxin1, LI Jingping1, LI Yanqin1, GU Wen1, HE Sen1, ZHANG Fan1, ZHAO Ronghua1, YU Jie1
School of Pharmaceutical Science, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China
Myanmar is an important gateway for China’s Belt and Road Initiative to open to the south and carry out regional cooperation. Medicinal bio-resources in Myanmar are plentiful, and traditional medicines in Myanmar have been used for two thousand years. Due to the intercommunity of medical culture and complementarity of medicinal material resources and consuming market, the commerce and cooperative research and development of traditional medicines between China and Myanmar are tremendously potential. The cooperation of traditional medicines between the two countries can be served as a good medium and carrier for performing the Belt and Road. In this review, the situation of application of traditional medicines in Myanmar are briefly summarized. The necessity and recent situation of cooperation and communication of traditional medicines between the two countries are also introduced, with the analysis of current fields that can be cooperated. The cooperation of traditional medicines between the two countries will effectively expedite the sustainable utilization of biological resources and the advantage complementarity and sharing of traditional medical technologies and resources.
Key words:  traditional medicine  Myanmar  the Belt and Road  cooperative research and development  prospect