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湖州师范学院 生命科学学院,浙江 湖州 313000
关键词:  肠道菌群  水产动物  生长性能
Progress on gut microbiota of aquatic animals and its effects on host growth performance
GAO Quanxin, HUANG Hao, ZHAO Xiuxin, CHENG Zhenheng, DONG Jiahao, QIAO Wenzhuo
College of Life Science, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, Zhejiang, China
At present, the aquaculture sector possesses limited approaches to enhance breeding efficiency and economic effectiveness, thereby leading to the sluggish development of the aquaculture industry. The gut microbiota has an important relationship with the growth rate, hormone levels, nutrient metabolism and immune function of aquatic animals. The homeostasis of gut microbiota provides favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of aquatic animals. This relationship between aquatic animals and gut microbes suggests that host-microbe interactions may influence host growth performance. To improve insights into the interactions between gut microbiota and host, growth performance is used as the main entry point to help understand the potential role of gut microbes during host growth. Exploring the functional mechanism of gut microbiota in aquatic animals is helpful to improve the yield and quality of aquaculture and promote the development of aquaculture. The role of gut microbiota, the relationship between intestinal flora and growth performance of aquatic animals, and the mechanism of gut microbiota regulating growth performance are reviewed to provide reference for the relevant research.
Key words:  gut microbiota  aquatic animals  growth performance