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1.浙江省水利河口研究院,浙江 杭州 310020;2.浙江省近岸水域生物资源开发与保护重点实验室, 浙江 温州 325005;3.温州市渔业技术推广站, 浙江 温州 325000
为探究温州湾生态系统整体结构,根据2019-2020年温州湾渔业资源调查结果,利用Ecopath with Ecosim 6.5软件构建了由21个功能组组成的生态系统能流通道模型,分析了该海域生态系统总体特征、营养结构和能量流动过程。结果表明:生态系统各功能组的营养级范围为1.000~4.372,带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus )营养级最高;系统总流量为10 874.67 t/(km2·a),系统净生产量为3 392.965 t/(km2·a);系统能量流动呈金字塔状分布,能量流量随着营养级的升高而降低,来源于初级生产者转化效率为15.20%,来源于有机碎屑的转化效率为16.03%,系统总能量转化效率为15.49%;系统总初级生产量/总呼吸量为3.636,系统连接指数为0.298,Finn’s循环指数为2.22%,Finn’s平均路径长度为2.324,杂食指数为0.167。温州湾生态系统处于不成熟状态,系统稳定性相对较低,建议加强对关键物种的保护,以期提高能量利用效率和保障生态系统结构完整性。
关键词:  Ecopath模型  温州湾  能量流动  营养级  生态系统特征
基金项目:自然科学基金项目(41976091); 温州市科技计划项目(N20190009)
Analysis of the ecosystem structure and function in Wenzhou Bay based on Ecopath model
CHEN Weifeng1,2, XU Kaiping1, WANG Wei1, XUE Feng2, HU Gaoyu2, HU Zhongjian3, ZHOU Xiaofeng1
1.Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics and Estuary, Hangzhou 310020, Zhejiang, China;2.Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Exploitation and Preservation of Coastal Bioresource, Wenzhou 325005, Zhejiang, China;3.Wenzhou Fishery Technology Extension Station, Wenzhou 325005, Zhejiang, China
To explore the integral structure of Wenzhou Bay ecosystem, the Ecopath model of the ecosystem energy flow composed of 21 functional groups was constructed base on the survey data of fishery resources in Wenzhou Bay from 2019 to 2020 using the software of Ecopath with Ecosim 6.5. The general characteristics, nutritional structure and energy flow process of the marine ecosystem were analyzed comprehensively. The results showed that the trophic level range of each functional group in the ecosystem was from 1.0 to 4.372, and the trophic level of Trichiurus lepturus was the highest. The total flow of the ecosystem was 10 874.67 t/(km2·a), and the net production was 3 392.965 t/(km2·a). The energy flow of the ecosystem was distributed in a pyramid shape, and the flow rate decreased with the increase of the trophic level. The conversion efficiency of total energy in the ecosystem was 15.49%, while the conversion efficiency from primary producers and organic debris was 15.20% and 16.03%, respectively. The ratio of total primary production to total respiration of the ecosystem was 3.636, the ecosystem connectivity index was 0.298, the Finn’s circulation index was 2.22%, the Finn’s average path length was 2.324, and the omnivorous index was 0.167. These results indicate that the ecosystem of Wenzhou Bay is in an immature state, with relatively low stability. It is recommended to strengthen the protection of key species to improve the efficiency of energy utilization and ensure the structural integrity of the ecosystem.
Key words:  Ecopath model  Wenzhou Bay  energy flow  nutritional level  ecosystem characteristic