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内蒙古医科大学 药学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010110
关键词:  桔梗  轮作  生物量  土壤微生物数量  土壤酶活性
Effects of different rotation patterns on the growth, rhizosphere soil microorganisms, and soil enzyme activities of Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC.
LIU Pengfei, WANG Xiaoqin, ZHANG Meixi, ZHANG Wei, MA Jiannan, YU Juan, JIA Xin
School of Pharmacy, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot 010110, Inner Mongolia,China
To study the effects of different rotation modes on soil microorganisms and soil enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of Platycodon grandiflorum (JG), and to explore a pollution-free prevention and control method for continuous cropping obstacles of JG from the perspective of soil microecology, the biennial JG was used as the test material, and pot experiment method was used to study the effects of different rotation modes of JG-SS(Beishashen),JG-YM(Yumi),JG-FF(Fangfeng) and JG-NX(Niuxi) on JG growth, soil microorganisms and soil enzyme activities, using JG-JG as the control. The optimal rotation modes were analyzed and selected. It was found that the biomass indicators of modes JG-YM and JG-NX were superior to other modes. The bacterial quanlity of modes JG-SS, JG-YM, JG-NX, and JG-FF was higher than that of mode JG-JG. The overall changes in the number of actinomycetes in modes JG-YM and JG-FF were higher than those in mode JG-JG. The growth of fungal numbers of modes JG-YM and JG-NX was the slowest compared to that in mode JG-JG. The activities of urease, sucrase, and cellulase in mode JG-NX were higher than those of the other four modes. This study measured the biomass, soil microbial count, and soil enzyme activity of JG under different rotation modes, indicating that rotation planting of JG with Achyranthes bidentata(NX) or zea mays(YM) can improve the planting soil environment, alleviate the continuous cropping obstacles of JG, and lay the foundation for standardized planting of JG.
Key words:  Platycodon grandiflorum  rotation  biomass  soil microbial quantity  soil enzyme activity