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1.遵义医药高等专科学校 药学系,贵州 遵义 563003;2.遵义医科大学 药学院,贵州 遵义 563003;3.贵州医药大健康产业研究院,贵州 遵义 563003
关键词:  火棘果  营养成分  气候因子
Correlation analysis of nutritional components and climatic factors of wild Pyracantha fortuneana fruit in Guizhou Province
QIU Jia1, LIU Fusong2, LIANG Guangping1, ZHU Liang1, RAN Haixia1, LIU Yingbo1, WU Faming2,3
1.Department of Pharmacy, Zunyi Medical and Pharmaceutical College, Zunyi 563003, Guizhou, China;2.School of Pharmacy, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563003, Guizhou, China;3.Guizhou Medical and Health Industry Research Institute, Zunyi 563003, Guizhou, China
The resources of wild Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim.) Li are widely distributed in Guizhou Province. Due to the different climatic factors in different regions of the province, the nutritional components of wild Pyracantha fruit are different. In order to explore the differences of nutrient components in wild Pyracantha fortuneana fruit in Guizhou Province, identify the climatic factors affecting the nutrient accumulation, and screen suitable growth areas, the contents of crude polysaccharide, total protein, total fat and total polyphenol were determined by sulfuric acid phenol method, fully automatic Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer, Soxhlet extraction, and Folin-phenol colorimetry, and differential analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were performed. At the same time, the correlation analysis of grey correlation degree was carried out combined with climate factors. The results showed that there were significant differences in the contents of four nutritional components from different producing areas. Pyracantha fortuneana fruits from 10 different producing areas could be grouped into three categories. Grey correlation analysis showed that relative humidity was the main factor affecting the contents of nutritional components of wild Pyracantha fortuneana fruits in Guizhou, and reducing the relative humidity facilitates the accumulation of nutrients in the fruits.
Key words:  Pyracantha fortuneana fruit  nutritional composition  climatic factor