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关键词:  连作土壤  土传病害  黄瓜枯萎病菌  致病力  次生盐渍化
Effect of continuous cropping soil of greenhouse cucumber on the pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. cucumberinum
LI Shigui, ZENG Wen, LIU Kuai, GUO Zhenyu, ZHAO Xiaodi, GU Jingang
State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China, Key Laboratory of Microbial Resources Collection and Preservation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
In order to systematically study the occurrence mechanism of vegetable continuous cropping obstacles in facilities and explore the effect of continuous cropping years on the pathogenicity of vegetable soil-borne diseases. In this study, the soil samples were collected from the different continuous cropping cucumber greenhouses in Kanshuizhuang Village, Wanggaopu Town, Dezhou City, Shandong Province. The degree of soil secondary salinization was analyzed by measuring the soil physical and chemical properties. The growth, disease incidence and the colonization of Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. cucumberinum were analyzed by pot experiments, and effects of the continuous cropping soil on its pathogenicity were studied. The results showed that the pH of all soil samples was above 8.0, indicating alkalinity. The total phosphorus content of soil samples was consistent with the trend of pH changes. In the soil of continuous cropping for 8 years, the number of the pathogens colonized the stem of cucumber plants was the largest, and the disease index and incidence rate of cucumber plants were the highest, indicating that the number of the pathogens colonized the stem of cucumber plants is consistent with the change trend of disease index and incidence rate of cucumber plants. This study provides a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of soil-borne diseases of facility vegetables in the future.
Key words:  continuous cropping soil  soil-borne disease  Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. cucumberinum  pathogenicity  secondary salinization