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1.湖北汉江新集水电有限公司, 湖北 襄阳 441100;2.湖北省生态环境科学研究院(省生态环境工程评估中心), 湖北 武汉 430072;3.长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司, 湖北 武汉 430010;4.长江师范学院 绿色智慧环境学院, 重庆 408100
汉江是长江中游最大的支流之一,新集水电站位于汉江中游河段湖北省襄阳市内,坝址位于襄城区白马洞,谷城汉江国家湿地公园位于拟建新集水电站的库区,距离坝址约32.2 km。水电站建成后湿地公园水位上升影响面积为349.23 hm2(其中洲滩36.84 hm2,其他均为水域),生态保育区受水位上升影响面积为327.60 hm2,生态恢复区受水位上升影响面积为21.63 hm2。水电工程建设将显著改变原有的河流水文情势,直接或间接地影响鱼类等湿地生物的生存,产生一系列的生态效应,需对谷城汉江国家湿地公园生态影响进行评价。通过外业实地调查、资料收集和内业实验分析,现已基本查明了评价区域的生态环境现状,对项目建设对谷城汉江国家湿地公园的影响程度和方式进行了评价,并提出了减免生态影响的具体措施。
关键词:  湿地公园  湿地植物  湿地动物  水生生物
Analysis of the ecological impact of Xinji Hydropower Station on Gucheng Hanjiang National Wetland Park
LI Sulong1, YANG Xueying2, ZHANG Biyu1, SHENG Yuecheng3, WANG Yan3, WU Yiwen4, CHEN Sibao3
1.Hubei Hanjiang Xinji Hydropower Co., Ltd. Xiangyang 441100, Hubei, China;2.Hubei ProvincialAcademy of Eco-environmental Sciences. Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China;3.Changjiang Survey Planning Design and Research, Co., Ltd. Wuhan 430010, Hubei, China;4.Green Intelligence Environmental School, Yangtze Normal University, Chongqing 408100, China
The Hanjiang River is one of the largest tributaries in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Xinji Hydropower Station is located in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, in the middle reaches of the Hanjiang River. The dam site is located in Baimadong, Xiangcheng District. Gucheng Hanjiang National Wetland Park is located in the reservoir area of the proposed Xinji Hydropower Station, about 32.2 km away from the dam site. After the completion of the power station, the area affected by the water level rise in the wetland park is 349.23 hm2 (including 36.84 hm2 in the Zhoutan area and all other water areas), the area affected by the water level rise in the ecological conservation area is 327.60 hm2, and the area affected by the water level rise in the ecological restoration area is 21.63 hm2. The construction of hydropower projects will significantly change the existing hydrological regime of rivers, directly or indirectly affecting the survival of wetland organisms such as fish, resulting in a series of ecological effects. Therefore, an ecological impact assessment of the Gucheng Hanjiang National Wetland Park is needed. Through field investigations, data collection, and indoor experimental analysis, the ecological environment status of the assessed area has been basically identified. The degree and mode of impact of project construction on the Gucheng Hanjiang National Wetland Park have been evaluated, and specific measures for reducing ecological impact have been proposed.
Key words:  wetland park  wetland plant  wetland animal  aquatic organism