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1.华亭市莲花湖公园管理所,甘肃 华亭 744000;2.华亭市关山旅游经济区管理委员会,甘肃 华亭 744000;3.甘肃农业大学 林学院,甘肃 兰州 730070;4.天水林业职业技术学院,甘肃 天水 741020
采用样地调查的方法对崆峒山国家级风景名胜区野生植物群落进行野外调查,共布设26个20 m×20 m的标准样地,共调查野生维管植物86科230属323种。对植物群落外貌分析发现,研究区野生群落的外貌结构层次清晰,其中高位芽占比达到43.34%,地面芽植物占比23.30%,地上芽植物和一年生植物分别占比为18.58%和8.98%,地下芽植物最少,仅有5.80%;主要以纸质4级中型叶的中高位芽植物和草质3级小型叶的地面芽植物为主,反映出半湿润暖温带气候区所具有的谱系特征。野生植物群落在垂直结构上,乔木层以青榨槭(Acer davidii)、鹅耳枥(Carpinus turczaninowii)、少脉椴(Tilia paucicostata)、毛桃(Prunus davidiana)等为主要的优势种;灌木层以箭竹(Fargesia nitida)、毛叶欧李(Cerasus dictyoneura)、栓翅卫矛(Euonymus phellomanus)分布密集,为主要的优势种;草本层中除了有较多的蕨类草本植物外,其优势种主要有地丁草(Corydalis bungeana)、委陵菜(Potentilla chinensis)等。在径级结构分析中,径级分布比较规整,随着径级等级的增加从Ⅰ至Ⅴ,植株数整体呈急剧下降的趋势。采用Margalef丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性、Simpson优势度和Pielou均匀度指数对崆峒山国家级风景名胜区典型野生植物群落进行分析,不同的野生群落物种多样性存在明显差异,但四个指数在群落层次的变化趋势中均表现为乔木层>灌木层>草本层。
关键词:  崆峒山  风景名胜区  野生植物  群落
Study on the characteristics of wild plant community in Kongtong Mountain National Scenic Area
ZHOU Yuxia1, GUO Xinyi2, HU Tongtong3, YANG Fuqiang4, ZHOU Xiaolei3
1.Huating Lotus Lake Park Management Institute, Huating 744000, Gansu, China;2.Huating Guanshan Tourism Economic Zone Management Committee, Huating 744000, Gansu, China;3.College of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China;4.Tianshui Forestry Technical College, Tianshui 741020, Gansu, China
The wild plant communities in Kongtong Mountain National Scenic Area were investigated by means of sample plot survey. A total of 26 standard sample plots of 20 m × 20 m were set up, and 323 species of wild vascular plants belonging to 230 genera and 86 families were investigated. The analysis of plant community appearance showed that the appearance structure of wild communities was clear, among which the proportion of phanerophytes reached 43.34%, the proportion of hemicryptophytes was 23.30%, the proportions of chamaephytes and annual plants were 18.58% and 8.98%, respectively, and the proportion of subterranean plants was the least, only 5.88%. The phylogenetic characteristics of semi-humid warm temperate climate zone are mainly reflected by the mesophanerophytes of paper grade 4 medium leaves and the hemicryptophytes of grass grade 3 small leaves. In the vertical structure of the wild plant community, Acer davidiiCarpinus turczaninowiiTilia paucicostata and Prunus davidiana are the main dominant species in the tree layer, while Fargesia nitida, Cerasus dictyoneura and Euonymus phellomanus are densely distributed in the shrub layer. In addition to more fern herbs in the herb layer, the dominant species are mainly Corydalis bungeanaPotentilla chinensis and so on. In the analysis of diameter class structure, the distribution of diameter class is relatively regular, and with the increase of diameter class, number of plants shows a sharp decline from Ⅰ to Ⅴ as a whole. The typical wild plant communities in Kongtong Mountain National Scenic Area were analyzed by Margalef richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity, Simpson dominance and Pielou evenness indexes. There were significant differences in species diversity among different wild communities, but all of the four indexes showed tree layer > shrub layer > herb layer.
Key words:  Kongtong mountain  scenic area  wild plalnt  plant community