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1.辽宁中医药大学 药学院,辽宁 大连 116600;2.长治市中药材产业发展中心,山西 长治 046000
关键词:  鹿茸  东北地区  现状分析  种源溯清  对策建议
Analysis and research on the development status of traditional Chinese medicine deer antler industry
WU Wei1, WANG Wei2, YIN Haibo1, ZHANG Jiankui1, ZHAO Rong1
1.School of Pharmacy, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dalian 116600, Liaoning, China;2.Changzhi Chinese Herbal Medicine Industry Development Center,Changzhi 046000,Shanxi, China
Deer antler is a precious Chinese medicinal material in China, which has the effects of strengthening kidney yang, benefiting essence and blood, and strengthening muscles and bones. This study combines data analysis and on-site investigation to compare the current situation of representative deer antler production areas in Northeast China and Shaanxi, and concludes that the advantages of deer antler in Northeast China are obvious, accounting for more than 80% of the national deer antler market. The current problems faced by deer antler in Northeast China directly or indirectly affect the entire deer antler industry. In recent years, the development of deer antler in the Northeast China has been hindered by factors such as foreign species, chaotic hybridization between Cervus nippon and Cervus elaphus, poor import and circulation management, different breeding models, and outdated marketing systems. This article aims to identify some prominent issues and propose targeted development strategies and suggestions in terms of assistance policies, source tracing, market norms, and marketing models based on actual research situation, providing reference for top-level design, consumers, and farmers, in order to solve the problems and see the big from the small, thus promoting the further development of the scale and efficiency of China’s deer antler industry, and making deer antler resources more high-quality.
Key words:  deer antler  northeast China  current situation analysis  source tracing  countermeasure and suggestion