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1.上海中医药大学 中药研究所中药新资源与品质评价中管局重点研究室,上海 201203;2.上海市第八人民医院,上海 200235
关键词:  靛蓝  色素    生物合成  催化机制
Research advances in enzymes involved in indigo biosynthesis
LI Rongrong1, MA Wenhao2, XIAO Ying1
1.The Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Key Laboratory for New Resources & Quality Evaluation of Chinese Medicine, Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China;2.The Eighth People’s Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200235, China
Indigo is one of the oldest pigments known to mankind and is widely used in the food, medicine and printing-dyeing industries. Indigo was originally extracted from plants and is highly favored as an environmentally friendly dye with bright color, non-toxic, and biodegradable properties. Biosynthesis of indigo has attracted widespread attention as a mainstream way to replace the current plant extraction and chemical synthesis due to its advantages of green, efficient, landsaving, safety and stability. Over the past few decades, a number of natural and engineered enzymes have been identified for use in the synthesis of indigo. This review summarizes the enzymes that can catalyze indigo biosynthesis and their related applications, and discusses the current problems and future research directions, laying the foundation for promoting the industrial production of indigo based on biosynthesis.
Key words:  indigo  pigment  enzyme  biosynthesis  catalytic mechanism