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武汉大学 生命科学学院, 湖北 武汉 430072
关键词:  食性  DNA宏条形码  DNA条形码  鸟类
Application of DNA metabarcoding technology in avian dietary analysis
ZHANG Junnan, LU Xin
College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China
Birds are widely distributed around the world, and the food used by different bird species vary greatly. Dietary research is an important research content in the field of animal nutrition and ecology. This paper reviews some traditional avian dietary identification methods and their shortcomings,traditional avian dietary identification methods including neck tying method, gastrotomy method, fecal collection method, camera recording method. With the rapid development of sequencing technology, DNA metabarcoding technology has emerged and is widely used in animal dietary research. In recent years, this technique has also been applied to the study of bird diets. This article reviews the operating principles and conditions of DNA barcoding and DNA metabarcoding and introduces the selection of DNA barcoding and primers in avian diet research in detail. Compared with traditional identification methods, DNA metabarcoding technology reduces the difficulty of species identification, reduces human influencing factors, improves the efficiency of species identification in target samples, and can analyze mixed or unformed samples such as feces and gastric contents. On the other hand, when the target fragment in the DNA sample mixed with the species is amplified, there may be deviations, resulting in uncertainty of the results, and it is difficult to derive a more accurate ratio of each food component based on the results. In the future, in the analysis of bird feeding by metabarcoding technology, other methods can be combined to improve the quantification of food and the judgment of food attributes.
Key words:  dietary  DNA metabarcoding  DNA barcoding  avian