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1.湖北中医药大学 中药资源中心, 湖北 武汉 430065;2.黄冈市农业科学院,湖北 黄冈 438000;3.湖北神农蜜菌生物科技有限公司,湖北 随州 441333
分析不同升温时间对乌天麻(Gastrodia elata f. glauca)、红天麻(Gastrodia elata f. elata)箭麻生长习性、花期同步及杂交种子发育影响,为早期获得高质量天麻杂交种子材料,促进天麻杂交种高效育苗提供科学依据。对乌天麻和红天麻箭麻不同时间定植升温(22 ℃)下花茎出苗时间、始花时间、花茎高度、杂交种子质量等进行分析。结果显示,不同升温时间是影响箭麻出苗时间、始花时间的主要因素,乌天麻集中于2月中下旬出苗,红天麻升温10~15 d后陆续出苗;生态变型是影响箭麻生育期长短、花期花朵数的主要因素,乌天麻比红天麻生育期长21.47 d,对花期及蒴果采收期无较大影响,红天麻比乌天麻更易完成抽薹;不同升温时间条件下,乌天麻挂果率为87.76%,红天麻挂果率为94.53%;母本决定杂交种子质量,以红天麻为母本、乌天麻为父本所得杂交种子活性为94.32%,优于以乌天麻为母本、红天麻为父本所得杂交种子活性。因此,生产中应于1月中旬对乌天麻开始升温,待乌天麻出苗后(15 d左右)开始对红天麻升温催芽,使得乌天麻与红天麻于3月中上旬花期同步,4月初可获得优良杂交天麻种子。
关键词:  乌天麻  红天麻  定植升温时间  农艺性状  种子
Study on the planting and warming time in hybrid seed production of Gastrodia elata f. glauca and Gastrodia elata f. elata
LIU Fan1, YAN Hongyuan2, XU Yangxiao3, LIU Yimei1, LIU Dahui1
1.Pharmacy Faculty, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430065, Hubei, China;2.Agricultural and Science Academy of Huanggang City, Huanggang 438000, Hubei , China;3.Hubei Sheng Nong Mi Jun Biotechnology Co., Ltd , Suizhou 441333, Hubei, China
The effects of different warming time on the growth habits, florescence synchronization and hybrid seed development of G. elata f. glauca and G. elata f. elata were analyzed, which laid a foundation for obtaining highquality hybrid seed materials of G. elata in early stage and providing scientific basis for promoting efficient seedling raising of Gastrodia elata hybrid. Different batches of temperature (22 ℃) were used for G. elata f. glauca and G. elata f. elata, and various traits such as the seedling emergence time, the first flowering time, the height of the flower stem, and the quality of hybrid seeds were analyzed. Different warming time is the main factor affecting the emergence time and the first flowering time of G. elataG. elata f. glauca mainly emerges in the middle and late February, and G. elata f. elata gradually emerges after 10 to 15 days of temperature rise. Ecological variation is the main factor affecting the length of the growth period and the number of flowers in the flowering period of G. elata, and the growth period of G. elata f. glauca is 21.47 days longer than that of G. elata f. elata, but has no significant effect on the flowering and fruiting stages. G. elata f. elata is easier to complete bolting than G. elata f. glauca. Under different heating time conditions, the fruiting rate of G. elata f. glauca is 87.76%, and that of G. elata f. elata is 94.53%. The activity of hybrid seeds obtained from G. elata f. elata as female parent and G. elata f. glauca as male parent is 94.32%, which is better than that obtained from G. elata f. elata as male parent and G. elata f. glauca as female parent. Therefore, the production should start to heat up for G. elata f. glauca in the middle of January, and start heating and accelerating the bud of G. elata f. elata after the emergence of G. elata f. glauca (about 15 days), so that G. elata f. glauca and G. elata f. elata can be synchronized at the early flower stage in March, and excellent hybrid G. elata seeds can be obtained at the beginning of April.
Key words:  Gastrodia elata f. glauca  G. elata f. elata  planting and warming time  agronomic character  seed