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1.安徽农业大学 生命科学学院,安徽 合肥 230036;2.地方特色植物资源开发与利用安徽省工程技术中心,安徽 合肥 230036
低温沙藏处理可以有效解除多花黄精种子休眠,为此本实验利用非靶向气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)技术鉴定并分析了沙藏后的多花黄精种子不同萌发时期的代谢产物及其变化规律。共鉴定出初级代谢产物116种,对多花黄精种子萌发0 d vs.7 d,7 d vs.14 d,14 d vs.21 d,21 d vs.28 d和28 d vs.35 d等比较组进行成对比较筛选,分别筛选鉴定出各比较组中发生显著变化的差异代谢物(VIP>1.0,P<0.05)17,27,9,7和1种。多花黄精种子萌发初期的0 d、7 d和14 d,种子内的二糖(海藻糖,麦芽糖,蔗糖等)以及TCA循环中苹果酸,琥珀酸,柠檬酸等含量显著增加,而在14 d后整体呈现下降趋势。γ-氨基丁酸等氨基酸含量在萌发0 d时最高。HCA分析表明,大部分的代谢物含量在沙藏的多花黄精种子萌发7 d时上升,14 d后下降,表明在14 d前后初级代谢产物被快速消耗。KEGG分析表明,种子萌发过程中TCA循环,精氨酸与脯氨酸代谢,淀粉和蔗糖代谢等多条代谢通路表现活跃。在萌发初期,氨基酸、糖类和有机酸类物质含量三者间显著相关。本研究结果为进一步开展黄精种子人工繁育提供了理论依据。
关键词:  多花黄精  种子  萌发  沙藏  代谢组学
Analysis of differential metabolites during germination process of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua seeds in sand storage based on untargeted metabolomics
ZHANG Wenwu1, TONG Jinfeng1, PENG Fulei1, YANG Xu1, ZHANG Kuanchao1, CAI Yongping1,2, JIN Qing1,2
1.School of Life Sciences, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, Anhui, China;2.Anhui Provincial Engineering Technology Center for Development & Utilization of Regional Characteristic Plants, Hefei 230036, Anhui, China
Low temperature sand storage can effectively relieve the dormancy of seeds of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua. In this study, non-targeted gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to identify and analyze the metabolites of seeds of P. cyrtonema at different germination stages after sand storage. And a total of 116 primary metabolites were identified. Pairwise comparative screening was performed on the comparison groups of P.cyrtonema seed germination 0 d vs.7 d,7 d vs.14 d,14 d vs.21 d,21 d vs.28 d and 28 d vs.35 d, and 17, 27, 9, 7 and 1 differential metabolites (VIP>1.0, P<0.05) with significant indigenous changes were screened and identified. The contents of disaccharides (trehalose, maltose, sucrose, etc.) and malic acid, succinic acid, citric acid in TCA cycle of P.cyrtonema seed increased significantly during 0 d, 7 d and 14 d of germination, but decreased after 14 d. The content of amino acids such as γ-aminobutyric acid was the highest at 0 d of germination. HCA analysis showed that most of the metabolite content increased at 7 d after germination of P.cyrtonema seeds and decreased after 14 d, indicating that primary metabolites were rapidly consumed around 14 d. KEGG analysis showed that TCA cycle, arginine and proline metabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism and other metabolic pathways were active during seed germination. At the beginning of germination, the contents of amino acids, carbohydrates and organic acids were significantly correlated. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for further artificial breeding of seeds of P.cyrtonema.
Key words:  Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua  seed  germination  sand storage  metabolomics