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1.广东惠东海龟国家级自然保护区管理局,广东 惠州 516359;2.岭南师范学院 生命科学与技术学院,广东 湛江 524048
关键词:  惠东海龟湾  高通量测序  微生物群落  水质  生态学评价
Ecological evaluation of water quality and structural characteristics of microbial community in Huidong Turtle Bay
DUAN Jinxia1, TAN Wancheng2, WANG Yun2, LI Zhiwen1, ZHOU Canlin2, YE Mingbin1, LIN Yusen2
1.Huidong Sea Turtle National Reserve Management Bureau, Huizhou 516359, Guangdong, China;2.School of Science and Technology, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang 524048, Guangdong, China
In China, the only remained sea turtle breeding habitat lies in Huidong Port Sea Turtle National Nature Reserve. Therefore, it is a meaningful work for National Nature Reserve to monitor the change of water quality and microbial communities for the daily management and maintenance of the regional ecological environment. According to the topographic characteristics, 14 sampling points were set up to evaluate the water quality of the reserve, the microbial communities (bacteria, fungi and microeukaryotes) were also investigated by high-throughput sequencing technology. The results showed that the overall water quality was excellent and in a oligotrophic state. A variety of microorganisms were found, the bacterial communities distributed into 96 genera, 66 families and 14 phyla, the dominant groups were Proteobacteria (82.2%), followed by Bacteroidetes (6.6%). The fungal community included 22 genera, 16 families and 3 phyla, the dominant group of Ascomycota accounted for 98.5%. The micro-eukaryotic community was mainly composed of Arthropods (59.9%) and Apicomplexa (16.5%). By comparing the amplification effects of two pairs of micro-eukaryotic primers, it was found that the species compositions were significantly different, and it was necessary to use them together to objectively reflect the diversity of micro-eukaryotic organisms in Turtle Bay waters. This study provides basis data for the management and protection of the marine ecosystem in this region.
Key words:  Huidong Turtle Bay  high-throughput sequencing  microbial community  water quality  ecological evaluation