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湖州师范学院 生命科学学院 浙江省水生生物资源养护与开发技术研究重点实验室/中国水产科学研究院水生动物繁育与营养重点实验室,浙江 湖州 313000
罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)是世界重要的经济虾类,畅销国内外市场,备受消费者的喜爱。中国是罗氏沼虾养殖大国,年均养殖产量占世界一半以上。种质资源是我国罗氏沼虾产业发展的原动力,处于整个产业链的最上游,并支撑着整个产业的发展。世界多国为了壮大产业规模,也纷纷开展了罗氏沼虾种质资源库的建设与良种选育。本文回顾了我国自主选育的罗氏沼虾主要品种及品系,综述了大规模家系的构建以及不同来源群体的遗传多样性分析,并对国外的良种选育现状和趋势进行了概述,最后结合国内外的研究进展,提出了良种选育的研究要点与方向,以期为今后的种质创新研究提供思路和借鉴。
关键词:  罗氏沼虾  种质资源  良种选育  遗传多样性
Research progress in selective breeding of Macrobrachium rosenbergii
LUO Jinping, LIU Peimin, GAO Quanxin
Key Laboratory of Aquatic Biological Resources Conservation and Development Technology of Zhejiang Province, College of Life Sciences, Huzhou University/Key Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Huzhou 313000, Zhejiang, China
Macrobrachium rosenbergii is one of the most important economic shrimps in the world. It is very popular in domestic and foreign markets. China is a major country of M. rosenbergii aquaculture, and its annual production accounts for more than half of the world. As source power for the development of M. rosenbergii industry in China, germplasm resources are at the most upstream of the entire industrial chain and support the development of the entire industry. Therefore, in order to expand the industrial scale, many countries in the world have carried out the construction of germplasm resource bank and breeding of M. rosenbergii. This paper reviews the selective breeding of main varieties and strains independently in China, the construction of large-scale families, the genetic diversity analysis from different populations, and the current status and trends of selective breeding abroad. Finally, the research points and directions of the breeding are put forward according to the research in China and abroad, to provide ideas and basic references for future research of germplasm innovation.
Key words:  Macrobrachium rosenbergii  germplasm resource  selective breeding  genetic diversity