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南京农业大学 生命科学学院, 江苏 南京 210095
通过野外植物调查,结合文献分析,报道了江苏省3种归化植物新记录。在南京市将军山风景区,发现原产于北美洲的北美黄亚麻〔Linum medium (Planchon) Britton〕种群;在南京市六合区,发现原产于南美洲的柳叶马鞭草(Verbena bonariensis Linnaeus)种群;在南京市老山,发现原产于南美洲的狭叶马鞭草(V. brasiliensis Vellozo)种群。实地拍摄了三种归化植物的形态及生境照片,补充描述了北美黄亚麻的形态特征,并分析穗状花序形态特征可作为柳叶马鞭草与狭叶马鞭草的种间鉴别特征。
关键词:  江苏省  南京市  归化植物  新记录  野外调查  形态特征
分类号:Q 948.5
New records of three naturalized plant species from Jiangsu Province
LI Xinhua, FU Chunyin, WANG Yuting, XU Mengna, WANG Yi
College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu, China
Through field botanical surveys, in combination with literature analysis, new records of three naturalized plant species are reported from Jiangsu Province. Linum medium (Planchon) Britton native to North America was found at Jiangjunshan Mountain Scenic Spot of Nanjing City, Verbena bonariensis Linnaeus native to South America was found at Luhe Destrict of Nanjing City, and V. brasiliensis Vellozo native to South America was found at Laoshan Mountain of Nanjing City. The morphology and habitat of the three species of naturalized plants were photographed in the field, and the morphological characteristics of L. medium are supplementally described, meanwhile, the morphological characteristics of spike inflorescences are analyzed as the diagnostic features for distinguishing Verbena bonariensis from V. brasiliensis.
Key words:  Jiangsu Province  Nanjing City  naturalized plant  new record  field survey  morphological characteristic