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内蒙古医科大学 药学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010110
采用性状及显微鉴别方法对大花棘豆〔Oxytropis grandiflora (Pall.) DC.〕进行性状特征、组织结构和粉末特征的分析,为大花棘豆提供科学准确的性状和显微鉴别特征。大花棘豆干燥全草的性状特征为:绿色或黄绿色,基生叶矩圆状,单数羽状复叶;蝶形花冠,红紫色或蓝紫色;长圆状卵形或长圆形的果;气微,味微苦、涩。显微特征为:叶轴横切面的维管束为外韧型,20~24个,大小间隔排列成环;叶为等面叶,上表皮栅栏组织通过主脉,下表皮由厚角组织替代;主脉维管束为外韧型,类圆形;粉末中可见类圆形的花粉粒、成束的纤维、单细胞的非腺毛、具缘纹孔导管、不定式气孔。本研究首次明确了大花棘豆全草的性状和显微特征,为该品种的鉴别和棘豆属资源的进一步开发利用提供理论依据。
关键词:  大花棘豆  性状  组织构造  粉末特征
Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of Oxytropis grandiflora(Pall.) DC.
JIA Xin, YU Juan, YUE Xin, WANG Xiaoqin
School of Pharmacy, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot 010110, Inner Mongolia,China
To provide a scientific and accurate macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of Oxytropis grandiflora (Pall.) DC.,its properties, tissue structure and powder characteristics were studied. The results showed that the macroscopic traits are as follows: green or yellowish green in color, the basal leaves are rectangular, and the odd pinnate compound leaves; butterfly-shaped corolla, red-purple or blue-purple; oblong-ovate or oblong fruit; odor slight, taste slightly bitter, astringent. The microscopic features are as the following: the vascular bundles of the leaf rachis in cross section are extrinsically tough, 20-24 in number, arranged in rings at intervals in size; the leaves are isohedral, with the upper epidermal palisade tissue passing through the main veins and the lower epidermis replaced by collenchyma; the vascular bundle of the main vein is external tough, round-like; round-like pollen grains, bundled fibers, unicellular non-glandular hairs, bardered pit vessels, and amorphous stomata are visible in the powder. This study identifies the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of Oxytropis grandiflora (Pall.) DC. for the first time, providing a theoretical basis for the identification of this species and the further development and utilization of Oxytropis resources.
Key words:  Oxytropis grandiflora (Pall.) DC.  shape and property  tissue structure  powder characteristic