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北华大学 林学院,吉林 吉林 132013
关键词:  校园植物  群落相似度  多样性
Genus-level similarity analysis of seed plants in six college and university campuses in Northeast China
JIANG Runhua, LI Wenhua, WU Zefu, XIA Fucai
Forestry College of Beihua University, Jilin 132013, Jilin, China
Campus plants reflect the level of plant diversity in campus. In order to study the similarity of the genus composition of seed plants in college and university campuses in Northeast China,this study took the seed plants in the six colleges and universities located in Northeast China, including Shenyang Agricultural University, as the research object, and selected the most common families in the north, Asteraceae and Rosaceae, to study the differences and similarity of their genus composition. The results show that the similarity between genera of seed plants in 6 compuses is high. The composition of genera of Compositae is significantly different among compuses, while the composition of genera of Rosaceae is highly similar among compuses. The diversity and difference of plant species of the campuses are related to the area and location of the campus. The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for further research on campus biodiversity in Northeast China and other regions and other campus plants.
Key words:  compus plant  community similarity  diversity