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南京农业大学 生命科学学院, 江苏 南京 210095
江苏省句容市宝华山是国家二级重点保护野生植物独花兰(Changnienia amoena S. S. Chien)的模式标本产地。为了阐明宝华山省级自然保护区独花兰种群数量、生境特征及其受威胁因子,2021年3月至10月,对该地野生独花兰种群进行了全面调查。结果发现,在宝华山自然保护区核心区内,在海拔160~200 m的山坡天然落叶阔叶林下,独花兰种群局限分布在一处东西长300 m,南北宽150 m的狭小区域中。独花兰种群共有218株个体,其中121株开花个体都生长在腐殖质丰富的土壤中。160株独花兰都生长在9棵建始槭(Acer henryi Pax)树干基部附近,占独花兰个体总数的73.4%;其中开花个体86株,占开花植株总数的71.1%。宝华山独花兰面临的受威胁因子主要为结实率很低、部分个体生长发育不良、以及假鳞茎被雨水冲出土壤表面。此外,对宝华山独花兰种群的就地保护工作提出了一些建议。
关键词:  独花兰  野外调查  种群  生境特征
分类号:Q 948.5
Population size and habitat characteristics of Changnienia amoena S. S. Chien in Baohuashan Nature Reserve of Jiangsu Province
LI Xinhua, WANG Yi, XU Mengna
College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu, China
Baohuashan Mountain, a provincial nature reserve, is located in Jurong City of Jiangsu Province, and is the type locality of Changnienia amoena S. S. Chien, a wild orchid in the List of Class Ⅱ National Key Protected Wild Plants. From March to October 2021, comprehensive field surveys were carried out in Baohuashan Mountain, in order to clarify the population size, habitat characteristics ,and the threatening factors of C. amoena there. The results show that the population of C. amoena is restricted to the natural deciduous broad-leaved forest on the hillside in the core area of Baohuashan Nature Reserve between 160-200 m above sea level, occurs in a small area with a length of 300 m from east to west and a width of 150 m from south to north, and consists of 218 individuals including 121 flowering plants growing in the humus-rich soil. Furthermore, 160 individuals of C. amoena including 86 flowering plants are found growing near the base of the trunk of 9 trees of Acer henryi Pax, accounting for 73.4% of the total individuals and 71.1% of the flowering ones. The present threatening factors encounted by C. amoena mainly consist of very low fruit setting percentage, some individuals in poor growth and development, and the pseudobulbs lying on the soil surface due torainwater eroding. Some suggestions for the in situ conservation of C. amoena are provided here.
Key words:  Changnienia amoena S. S. Chien  field survey  population  habitat feature