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1.陕西学前师范学院 生命科学与食品工程学院,陕西 西安 710100;2.安康市汉阴县安康长兴学校,陕西 安康 725100
为了探究硼酸对普通卷甲虫(Armadillidium vulgare)回避行为的影响,评估硼酸在其回避行为试验中的效力,采用双控制试验法,以动物生活区域的土壤为底物,通过设置浓度为250、500、750、1 000、1 250、1 500 mg/kg的硼酸来探究普通卷甲虫的回避行为。结果显示:随着土壤中硼酸浓度的增加,普通卷甲虫的回避率不断增加,硼酸浓度为1 500 mg/kg时,普通卷甲虫表现出回避行为。由此可以得出,硼酸可作为普通卷甲虫回避行为试验的参照物,普通卷甲虫也有望作为土壤环境的替代指示物种。
关键词:  普通卷甲虫  土壤监测  回避行为  硼酸
Effects of different concentrations of boric acid on avoidance behavior of Armadillidium vulgare
WANG Zhi1, HUA Nan2
1.College of Life Sciences and Food Engineering, Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University, Xi’an 710100, Shaanxi, China;2.Ankang Changxing School, Hanyin County, Ankang 725100, Shaanxi, China
The purpose of this study is to study the effect of boric acid (BA) on the avoidance behavior of Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804) and evaluate the effectiveness of boric acid in the behavior test. Using the soil where the animal lives as substrate, the dual-control tests was conducted to investigate avoidance behavior of the animal by setting boric acid of different concentrations of 250, 500, 750, 1 000, 1 250, 1 500 mg/kg. The result showed that avoidance rate of the animal increased continuously with the increase of boric acid concentration in soil. The animal displayed avoidance behavior when the concentration of boric acid was 1 500 mg/kg. It can be concluded that boric acid could be used as a reference substance for avoidance behavior test of the animal, and Armadillidium vulgare could be used as an alternative indicator species of soil environment.
Key words:  Armadillidium vulgare  soil monitoring  avoidance behavior  boric acid