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1.昆明学院农学与生命科学学院 云南省高校蛭类资源开发利用工程研究中心,云南 昆明 650214;2.云南省禄丰县孵化园胡蜂养殖总基地,云南 楚雄 651200;3.中国科学院昆明动物研究所,云南 昆明 650223
大胡蜂〔Vespa magnifica (Smith)〕作为我国重要的生物防治昆虫、药用昆虫和食用昆虫,近年来在云南、四川等地已实现人工养殖,在农林害虫控制和乡村振兴方面发挥重要作用。目前存在的主要问题是蜂王越冬存活率和冬眠率较低。本文就蜂王体重、环境温度和相对湿度对大胡蜂蜂王越冬存活率与冬眠率的影响进行了研究。结果显示:蜂王体重≥2.6 g组的存活率和冬眠率分别为93.3%和86.7%,随着蜂王体重下降,蜂王的存活率和冬眠率均降低;温度10.5 ℃组的存活率和冬眠率分别为93.3%和80%,温度高于和低于10.5 ℃组的存活率和冬眠率均降低;相对湿度90%和75%组的存活率和冬眠率分别为93.3%和80%,随着相对湿度降低,蜂王的存活率和冬眠率均降低。结果表明蜂王体重≥2.6 g、温度10.5 ℃和相对湿度90%为蜂王越冬的最适条件。本研究结果为大胡蜂人工养殖提供了重要的基础数据。
关键词:  大胡蜂  蜂王  越冬  体重  温度  相对湿度
分类号:Q 969.93
Effects of bodyweight, temperature and relative humidity on the overwintering of Vespa magnifica queen
TONG Lei1, LIU Zichao1, GUO Chengwei1, TANG Wenjing1, DENG Wenhu2, DONG Dazhi3
1.Enginerring Research Center for Exploitation and Utilization of Leech Resources in Universities of Yunnan Province, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kunming University, Kunming 650214, Yunnan, China;2.General Base of Wasp Breeding in Lufeng County, Chuxiong651200, Yunnan, China;3.Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, Yunnan, China
Vespa magnifica (Smith) is an important insect for pest control, medicine and food sources in China. It has realized artificial breeding in Yunnan, Sichuan and other places in recent years, playing an important role in agricultural and forestry pest control and rural revitalization. However, low overwintering survival rate and hibernation rate of the queen are the main problems at present. In this paper, the effects of bodyweight, temperature and relative humidity on the overwintering of V. magnifica queen were studied. Results showed that the survival rate and hibernation rate of bodyweight ≥ 2.6 g group were 93.3% and 86.7% respectively, and survival rate and hibernation rate decreased with the decrease of the bodyweight. The survival rate and hibernation rate of 10.5 ℃ group were 93.3% and 80% respectively. The survival rate and hibernation rate decreased in temperature above and below 10.5 ℃ groups. The survival rate and hibernation rate of relative humidity 90% and 75% groups were 93.3% and 80% respectively, and both survival rate and hibernation rate of the queen decreased with the decrease of relative humidity. The conclusion is that the queen’s bodyweight ≥ 2.6 g, temperature 10.5 ℃, and relative humidity 90% are the most suitable conditions for the queen to overwinter. The results provide important basic data for the artificial breeding of V. magnifica.
Key words:  Vespamagnifica (Smith)  queen wasp  hibernation  body weight  temperature  relative humidity