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1.华南农业大学园艺学院,广东省微生物信号与病害防治重点实验室,广东 广州 510642;2.广东省微生物研究所,华南应用微生物国家重点实验室/广东省菌种保藏与应用重点实验室,广东 广州 510070;3.广州南沙现代农业产业集团公司,广东 广州 511453
解磷细菌(phosphate solubilizing bacteria,PSB)是重要的农业微生物资源,能够促进柑橘根系对土壤磷的吸收,但是目前对柑橘园土壤中PSB资源的研究不多。本研究以有效磷含量低的华南柑橘园土壤为对象,利用平板培养分离技术调查了PSB的资源和多样性,并测定了PSB菌株的解磷活性。研究结果表明,柑橘园土壤中PSB资源丰富,分离到20个属的54个PSB菌株,其中链霉菌(Streptomyces)、北里孢菌(Kitasatospora)、副伯克氏菌(Paraburkholderia)、伯克氏菌(Burkholderia)、芽胞杆菌(Bacillus)和类芽胞杆菌(Paenibacillus)6个属的菌株分离频率较高;PSB菌株对磷酸钙的解磷活性高、对磷酸铁的解磷活性低,而卵磷脂的解磷活性介于二者中间;北里孢菌和类芽胞杆菌对三种磷源的解磷活性均高于均值,可能是潜在的高活性PSB;溶磷圈大小可以筛选帮助PSB,但是不能用于评价解磷活性大小。这些研究结果为从红壤柑橘园中分离PSB资源并应用PSB提高柑橘植株的磷营养提供了依据。
关键词:  柑橘园  解磷细菌  多样性  溶磷圈  红壤  解磷活性
Diversity of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in citrus orchard soil and their functional potential analysis
LIU Jiewen1,3, FENG Zengwei1,2, ZHU Honghui2, ZHANG Xianjiao2, QIN Yongqiang1, YAO Qing1
1.Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Microbial Signals and Disease Control, College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology Southern China/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Microbial Culture Collection and Application, Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou 510070, Guangdong, China;3.Guangzhou Nansha Mordern Agricultural Industry Group Co., Guangzhou 511453, Guangdong, China
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are important agricultural microbial resources, and can promote the absorption of soil phosphorus by the roots of citrus plants. However, studies focusing on PSB resource in citrus orchard soils are scarce presently. This study took the citrus orchard soil with low content of available phosphorus in southern China as target to investigate PSB resources and diversity with plate culture and isolating methods, and phosphate solubilizing activity of PSB isolates was also measured. The results indicate that the citrus orchard soil harbors abundant PSB resources. 54 strains from 20 genera were isolated, and they were mainly distributed in 6 genera of StreptomycesKitasatosporaParaburkholderiaBurkholderiaBacillus and Paenibacillus. The phosphate solubilizing activities of PSB isolates were higher for calcium phosphate, lower for iron phosphate, and median for lecithin. The phosphate solubilizing activities of Kitasatospora and Paenibacillus were higher than the overall average, indicating that they were the potential PSB of high activity. Halo zone can be employed to screen PSB, but can not be used to evaluate the level of phosphate solubilizing activity. These results provide the basis for the isolation of PSB resources from red soil of citrus orchards and for the application of PSB to promote phosphorus nutrition of citrus plants.
Key words:  citrus orchard  PSB  diversity  halo zone  phosphate solubilizing activity