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中山大学 生命科学学院 广东 广州 510275
为了解广东从化温泉的原核微生物多样性及其产纤维素酶、淀粉酶的能力,选取从化3个地热区的7个温泉样点,现场测量各采样点的水体理化参数,并采集温泉水样品。利用免培养技术对从化温泉环境样品基因组的16S rRNA基因进行扩增,利用高通量测序技术,分析从化温泉环境原核微生物群落结构及多样性。同时,借助纯培养技术,对7个样点的微生物进行分离纯化,并将菌株接种于以微晶纤维素或淀粉为唯一碳源的培养基中,检测其纤维素酶、淀粉酶活性。免培养结果显示,广东从化温泉环境原核微生物群落以细菌为主,群落结构与总碳含量相关性最大。通过选择性分离培养,共获得71株细菌,分属于17个不同的属,其中有9株属于潜在新分类单元,其中67.61%有纤维素酶活性,18.31%有淀粉酶活性。广东从化温泉中存在丰富多样的原核微生物类群,且蕴藏大量具有产生纤维素酶、淀粉酶活性的菌株,极具进一步发掘和研究的价值。
关键词:  从化热泉  多样性  淀粉酶  纤维素酶
分类号:S865. 3
Biodiversity and enzyme activity screening of aquatic prokaryotes from hot springs of Conghua in Guangdong Province
ZHANG Jingyi, LIU Lan, MING Yuzhen, HU Zhaoyu, ZOU Xiaojuan, LIU Zetao, XIAO Min, LI Wenjun
School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, China
In order to study the biodiversity and enzymes of prokaryotes from hot springs of Conghua District in Guangdong Province, total seven hot spring water samples were collected from three geothermal areas in Conghua District. The physicochemical parameters of water samples were measured in the field or laboratory. The high throughput sequencing technology was used to analyze the prokaryotic community structure and diversity of hot spring water. Bacterial strains were further isolated and cultivated from the seven hot springs. All the isolated strains were further screened for their cellulase and amylase activities. Results from culture-independent method showed that the majority of the prokaryotic microbes in these hot springs were bacteria, and the correlation was the largest between community structure and total carbon content. Through the comparative analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities, a total of 71 bacterial strains were obtained. These strains were distributed in 17 different genera, of which 9 were potential novel taxa. Among these isolates, some strains had cellulase or amylase activity. The results indicated the prokaryotic communities are quite diverse in the hot springs of Conghua District, and there are a large number of strains with cellulase and amylase activities, which would be useful for further exploration and research.
Key words:  hot spring of Conghua  biodiversity  amylase  cellulase