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1.武汉大学 基础医学院,湖北 武汉 433071;2.上海市东方医院 医学超声科,上海 200120
关键词:  家族性高胆固醇血症  HDL  miRNA  外周血单核细胞  生物信息学分析  动脉粥样硬化
Mechanism of HDL-miRNAs modulating the function of the peripheral blood monocyte in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia
DING Yi1,2, DU Fen1, YU Hong1
1.Basic Medical School,Wuhan university,Wuhan 433071,Hubei,China;2.Ultrasoun of clinical medicine,Shanghai East Hospital,Shanghai 200120,China
To explore the effect of HDL-miRNA on peripheral blood monocytes in the process of atherosclerosis by bioinformatics, we analyzed the biological functions of the differential expression of genes (DGEs) in peripheral blood monocytes and the differential expression of HDL-miRNAs(DEMs) in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. The data of gene and miRNA related familial hypercholesterolemia was obtained from GEO database. DGEs and DEMs were analyzed by R language. The miRwalk2.0 online tool was used to predict miRNA target genes and protein interaction analysis was performed by STRING to obtain the regulatory network between DGEs and DEMs. GO and KEGG analyzed the function of related genes. GEO data (GSE6054) was used to screen 834 DEGs and GEO data (GSE25108) was used to screen 28 DEMs on HDL in patients with hypercholesterolemia . Cross-matching was performed and obtain 74 pairs of miRNA gene pairs in 19 DEMs and 56 DGEs. GO analysis showed that the 56 DGEs were mainly concentrated in the molecular functions of adrenergic receptor signal. KEGG analysis showed that 56 differentially expressed genes mainly enriched in the hematopoietic cell lineage pathway. The analysis of the DGEs in peripheral blood monocytes and HDL-DEMs in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia based on bioinformatics provides a new perspective for the study of atherosclerosis, providing a new sight in screening diagnostic markers and drug therapeutic targets of atherosclerosis.
Key words:  familial hypercholesterolemia  HDL  miRNA  peripheral blood monocyte  bioinformatics  atherosclerosis