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1.三峡大学 湖北省三峡地区生态保护与治理国际联合研究中心,湖北 宜昌 443002;2.湖北正江环保科技有限公司,湖北 宜昌 443002
为提高水稻秸秆利用效率,改进水稻秸秆实地混合厌氧发酵产甲烷技术,本研究开展了添加剂在混合厌氧发酵系统的应用研究。试验选取水稻秸秆和猪粪作为发酵原料,通过分别添加不同的浓度的吐温20和腐植酸,测定甲烷的产气量和浓度、秸秆的降解和土壤肥力的变化,以揭示添加剂类型及其浓度对水稻田实地甲烷生产系统的影响。结果表明:添加剂的掺入并未影响产气的动态变化趋势,但显著地促进产气和提高产气浓度,整体效果由高到低为腐植酸>吐温20>对照,其中经腐植酸处理的产气量和产气浓度对照相比分别提高了50.73%和24.55%。添加剂的掺入有利于水稻秸秆纤维素和半纤维素的降解,但对木质素没有显著影响;其中以0.15 g/L腐植酸和0.30 g/L吐温20的降解率最高,相较于对照其纤维素降解率均提高了22.11%,半纤维素降解率分别提高了107.13%和98.39%。添加剂的掺入能显著增加土壤肥力,以0.15 g/L腐植酸和0.30 g/L吐温20处理水平的效果最优,相较于对照,其土壤有机质分别增加了29.63%和23.72%,全氮分别增加了52.32%和42.38%,全磷分别增加了83.33%和57.14%。
关键词:  混合厌氧发酵  甲烷  添加剂  秸秆降解  土壤肥力
Effects of additives on methane production system of mixed anaerobic fermentation with rice straw in field
ZHANG Hang1, CHEN Fangqing1, QIN Kai1, HUANG Yongwen2
1.Hubei International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Center of Ecological Conservation and Management in Three Gorges Area, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China;2.Hubei Zhengjiang Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China
To improve the utilization efficiency of rice straw and improve the methane production technology of mixed anaerobic fermentation with rice straw, this study carried out the research on additives application in the mixed anaerobic fermentation system. The rice straw and pig manure were selected as fermentation raw materials. The Tween 20 and humic acid at different concentrations were added. The gas production and methane concentration, straw degradation and soil fertility variation were measured to reveal the effects of additive types and their concentrations on field methane production system. The results showed that addition of additives did not affect the dynamic change of gas production, but the addition of additives had significant promotion on gas production and gas concentration. The overall effect was humic acid>Tween 20>control. The gas production and gas concentration of the humic acid treatment were increased by 50.73% and 24.55%, compared with the control. The addition of additives was beneficial to the degradation of rice straw cellulose and hemicellulose, but no effect on lignin. 0.15 g/L humic acid and 0.30 g/L Tween 20 treatments had the highest degradation rate. The cellulose degradation rate increased by 22.11%, and the hemicellulose degradation rate increased by 107.13%, 98.39% compared with the control. The addition of additives can significantly increase soil fertility. The treatments with 0.15 g/L humic acid and 0.30 g/L Tween 20 had the best effect. The soil organic matter increased by 29.63%, 23.72%, the total nitrogen increased by 52.32%, 42.38%, and the total phosphorus increased by 83.33%, 57.14 %, compared with the control.
Key words:  mixed anaerobic fermentation  methane  additive  straw degradation  soil fertility