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1.浙江中医药大学 药学院,浙江 杭州 310053;2.东阳市农业科学研究所,浙江 东阳322100
通过微波辅助提取的方式,以延胡索叶总生物碱含量为考察指标,通过单因素试验和正交试验对总生物碱提取方法进行优化。重点考察了微波提取温度、时间、料液比、提取缓冲液pH值等因素对延胡索叶总生物碱得率的影响。各因素对延胡索叶总生物碱提取量的影响大小依次为:提取缓冲液pH值>料液比>提取温度。其最佳的提取方法为:提取缓冲液pH值为1.0,料液比1∶100,提取温度60 ℃,提取时间20 min。在此条件下,叶总生物碱含量为25.910 mg/g。利用微波辅助提取延胡索叶中总生物碱,不仅耗时短,效率高,而且操作简单、稳定,为延胡索叶总生物碱含量测定提供一定的技术支持。
关键词:  延胡索叶  总生物碱  正交试验  含量测定
Optimization of microwave extraction of total alkaloids from leaves of Corydalis yanhusuo by orthogonal method
QIU Xiaohua1, CEN Qiaomeng1, SHI Senlin1, LI Yongqiang2, KAI Guoyin1, ZHAO Yongqin1
1.College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, Zhejiang, China;2.Institute of Dongyang Agricultural Science, Dongyang322100, Zhejiang, China
The total alkaloids was extracted by microwave, and the extraction method was optimized by single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment, and the effect of microwave extraction temperature, time, solid-liquid ratio and pH value of buffer on the total alkaloid yield were investigated. The most important factor affecting the total alkaloid content was buffer pH, followed by the ratio of material to liquid, and extraction temperature. The optimal extraction process was buffer pH 1.0, material to liquid ratio 1∶100, microwave temperature 60℃. The total alkaloid yield under these conditions was 25.910 mg/g. The total alkaloids in the leaves extracted by microwave is short in time, high in extraction rate and stable in operation, providing certain technical support for the determination of total alkaloids from Corydalis yanhusuo.
Key words:  Corydalis yanhusuo leaf  total alkaloid  orthogonal test  content determination