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兰州理工大学 生命科学与工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730050
以红洋葱皮为原料,以硫醇类化合物(TCs)含量为指标,制备发酵红洋葱皮粗提物(FETCs),探讨发酵料液比、盐料比、发酵时间、发酵温度对TCs含量的影响,采用正交实验确定FETCs中TCs含量最高的最佳工艺条件。结果表明:各因素对FETCs中的TCs含量的影响大小为:发酵温度>发酵时间>盐料比>料液比,最佳条件为料液比1∶30(mV)、盐料比1∶15、发酵时间7 d、发酵温度40 ℃,在此条件下FETCs中TCs的含量为0.45%;FETCs抑菌实验结果表明,随着FETCs中TCs浓度的增加,抑制效果增强;FETCs中TCs最大的抑制率分别为:硫色镰刀菌(72.59%)>互隔链胞菌(67.39%)>金黄色球菌(34.97%)。
关键词:  洋葱皮  发酵  硫醇化合物  工艺优化  抑菌性能
Effects of fermentation process on thiol compounds in crude extract of fermented red onion peels and their antibacterial activity
LIU Jintao, ZHAO Ping, LIN Yuling, LIAN Xiaofeng, XIA Xingxing
School of Life Science and Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, China
In this study, the crude extracts of fermented red onion peels (FETCs) were prepared using red onion peels as raw material and the content of thiol compounds(TCs) as an indicator. In order to determine the optimum process conditions for the highest level of TCs in FETCs, the factors of ratios of material to liquid, salt to material, time and temperature of fermentation were investigated to establish an orthogonal experimental model, respectively. The results showed that the effects of various factors on the content of TCs in FETCs were fermentation temperature > fermentation time > ratio of salt to material > ratio of material to liquid. The optimum extraction conditions were 1∶30 (mV) of ratio of material to liquid, 1∶15 of ratio of salt to material, fermentation time of 7 d, fermentation temperature at 40 ℃,respectively. Under these conditions, the content of TCs in the crude extract was 0.45%. The results of FETCs bacteriostatic test showed that as the concentration of thiol compounds in the crude extract increased, the inhibition effect enhanced. The maximum inhibition rates of TCs in FETCs were Fusarium Sulphureum (72.59%) > Alternaria alternate(67.39%) > Staphylococcus aureus (34.97%).
Key words:  onion peel  fermentation  thiol compound  process optimization  antibacterial activity