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乐山师范学院 生命科学学院,四川 乐山614004
关键词:  三叶虫萤  幼虫  叠背  行为学
The stack back behavior of the larval Emeia pseudosauteri
CHEN Zhengwei1,CAO Chengquan1,MEI Zhaoli1,XU Danyang1,TONG Chao1
College of Life Science, Leshan Normal University, Leshan 614004, Sichuan, China
In order to investigate behavioral characteristics of the larval Emeia pseudosauteri,and accelerate its utilization and artificial breeding, we took the last instar larva of Emeia pseudosauteri as an example and studied the stack back phenomenon at different times and space densities, analyzed the back, abdomen and foot structure by LY-WN ultra-clear microscope system photo analysis method. The results showed that the larval Emeia pseudosauteri manifested unique stack back behavior. According to the overlap degree of the stack back, it can be divided into a relative stack back and a cluster stack back. Stack back rate increases as population density increases. The correlation coefficient between stack back rate and population density is 0.835 8. The foot of the larval Emeia pseudosauteri contians many bristles and the tarsulus extends a barb; wide back with undulate and segmenting structures; the abdomen contains a large number of small, thin bristles and undulate structures. Therefore, the stack back behavior of the larval Emeia pseudosauteri may be related to foot structure, back and abdomen structure, contact time and population density. The stack back behavior of the larvae may be significant for its behavioral activities such as inhabitation, defense, predation, and migration.
Key words:  Emeia pseudosauteri  larva  stack back  behavioristics