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湖北民族大学 林学园艺学院
莼菜为世界著名珍稀水生蔬菜,具有很高的食用和药用价值。已有研究显示,可通过冬芽实现莼菜复壮,找出休眠解除的最佳方法是复壮的基本前提。本实验以莼菜冬季型休眠芽(冬芽)为实验材料,通过光照、温度等处理探求莼菜冬芽的休眠解除方法。莼菜冬芽生根率随着光照强度的增加,其生根率由全黑暗0%显著增长至(16.0±1.3)%;温度和处理时间对莼菜冬芽生根率、根长、生根根数和含水量有显著性影响。其中,35 °C水浴处理6 h后各项指标均到达较大值,上述指标分别为(96.1±2.8)%、(7.2±0.2) cm、74.5±6.0和(83.6±0.3)%;40 °C(6 h)、45 °C(1、3和6 h)和50 °C(10、20和30 min)水浴处理后莼菜冬芽绝大部分失绿变黄;随着培养时间的延长,其冬芽全部腐烂。光照能够促进莼菜冬芽生根;土培生根效果较为显著;适度水浴加热处理能有效解除莼菜冬芽的休眠,35 °C水浴处理6 h为最佳处理方案。
关键词:  冬芽  解除芽休眠  光照  温度
Study on the release and rooting of dormant buds of Brasenia schreberi
QIN Zhanghui1,CHEN Yinhua1,ZHOU Ling1,PENG Haoren1,WANG Minghong1
College of Forestry and Horticulture, Hubei Minzu University, Enshi 445000, Hubei, China
Brasenia schreberi is a world-famous rare aquatic vegetable with high edible and medicinal value. Previous studies have shown that the rejuvenation of B. schreberi can be achieved through winter buds, and the best way to relieve dormancy is the basic premise of rejuvenation.The dormancy release method of winter buds of B. schreberi was studied by controlling light and temperature.With the increase of light intensity, the rooting rate of winter bud of B. schreber increased significantly from 0% in total darkness to (16.0±1.3)%;temperature and treatment time had significant effects on the rooting rate, root length, root number and water content of winter buds of B. schreber. The indexes reached a large value of (96.1±2.8)%,(7.2±0.2)cm, 74.5±6.0 and (83.6±0.3)% respectively at 35 ℃(6 h). Most of the winter buds of B. schreber became green and yellow after water bath treatment at 40 ℃ (6 h), 45 ℃ (1, 3 and 6 h) and 50 ℃ (10, 20 and 30 min). With the extension of culture time after water bath treatment, the winter buds all rotted. Light can promote the rooting of winter buds of B. schreber. The rooting effect of hydroponics with soil is obvious. Moderate water bath heating treatment can effectively relieve dormancy of winter buds of B. schreberi, and 35 °C water bath treatment for 6 hours is the best treatment scheme.
Key words:  winter bud  releasing bud dormancy  light  temperature